Before reaching Artea, he was dedicated to embroidering huipils and empowering women in k’iche’ communities. This boss told us that one day, when he was on the trocha, he had realized that what he taught women did not correspond to what he did at home.
Reflection. It's easy to build a round speech, but that doesn't have value if it doesn't go hand in hand with actions. The new activism must DO, twisting rhetoric with praxis. Always bearing in mind that action is more complex and risky than dissolution.
* * * * * * *
We have crossed the border with a Guinean woman and her autistic son. Along with them are other migrants. They've just crossed the strait by skating, a journey with the toll of rape. We are helping to cross borders illegally, in solidarity, in the best way we know. We call it the Travel Agency, ironically.
Reflections. Baga: Why can we European whites travel normally to Africa and Africans to Europe by boat? Biga: let us disobey the system, let us obey human rights. Higa: As long as we cannot correct the terrible inequality of the world, we must prepare ourselves as a people for long-term solidarity.
* * * * * * *
Their existence has infringed Pakistan's law: it is transsexual. He's been carved, beaten, raped. We offer you the only thing we have: love, food and mattress. He smiled as though he was still a child. He hugs us. We hugged each other.
"The chain of loves is politics. Trust is political. Creating free spaces for tenderness and care is creating a new emotional system."
Reflection: that unrepeatable moment is called politics in art. The chain of affection is politics. Trust is political. Creating spaces free from tenderness and care is creating a new emotional system. It's an affective community, we call it living well.
* * * * * * *
They are a young Algerian couple who want a life different from what they had in Oran. The pregnant woman of the victim, who died in the hospital. We don't have free milk yet. In a nearby town, in Amorebieta-Etxano, the youth assembly offers us an apartment occupied by a bank.
Reflection: we naturally cross the border between legal and illegal. It doesn't matter. It's scary, but not afraid, that it will paralyze social action. Entrepreneurs need to be a fundraiser of risk, there's no transformation.
* * * * * * *
Coltan mining stole her land in the hometown of Congo. The same situation is experienced on a daily basis by thousands of people driven out of their homes by the influence of multinationals: companies plunder raw materials, fertile land and natural resources.
Reflection: There is a contradiction between the world we want and the life we make. If we take advantage of the neocolonal system, we are involved and forced to fight ourselves. To remove the bug from our interior (to remove the bug???????) prophylactic: disobedience to habits or lack of collaboration with the system in everyday life.
* * * * * * *
The technicians have come to the land of our six-hectare vegetable garden project. “You need a business plan, funding and grants, marketing, customer list, market and competition… a mission, vision, objectives … Have you analyzed how many tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper, spinach, Jewish, sheath, parsley you have to sell? At what price and what customer?” No idea. Uncertainty. Well, it jumps into the water.
" The methodology of the pool, that is, to throw without knowing if there is water or not, or to fulfill it as they fall. It is true that we count up to ten, but not much more. If you take the muzzle, stand again."
Reflections. Baga: methodology of the pool, that is, to throw without knowing if there is water or to fill it as it falls. It is true that we count up to ten, but not much more. If you take the muzzle, stand again. Biga: To eat, we have to replenish the land. Permaculture as the axis, circular economy, transformative social economy, political agriculture. Higa: in social agriculture knowledge is shared. What are the reasons for not doing so in other fights?
* * * * * * *
“The ecological collapse will surprise us at a meeting, talking with the collapse,” we were excited at an eco-socialist conference.
Reflections: The ‘meeting’ collapses activism. Meetings and assemblies, only the essential ones, nothing more. Little bureaucracy and great flexibility. Great confidence. Life is too short, and militancy spends a lot of time – sometimes in vain. The challenge lies in the dialectic between horizontality and effectiveness.
* * * * * * *
Erguido, with her baseball cap, crawls down the airport like a football star, dragging the fuchsia trolley. He will return to his hometown, Algeria, where he will have to prove to his father that he has survived the disease. We repeat one of our mantra to him: “Imitating the rich does not mean greater happiness.” Laughing, he replies: “A little bit of sin will be allowed, right?”
Reflection. Ironia is a good community partner. We don't have to scourge ourselves for sinning dogma. There was no drama. The important thing is to be consistent, to notice and correct yourself. Malaletxea for resistance, good mood to relativize.
* * * * * * *
If we ask, "Who is paternalistic?", most men and some women will raise their hands. This condition is intensified in reception and favours infantilization and verticalidad.La protection and the beneficial authority is praised and instead of others they would decide what is good, what is bad. This is repeated in one way or another in other activism.
"Paternalism and assistentialism, instead of fighting poverty, perpetuate it. We have to be critical and independent people."
Reflections. Baga: When a social organization smells like a legist, beware. Paternalism and assistentialism, rather than combating poverty, perpetuate it. We have to be critical and independent people. Biga: solidarity, like friendship, is mutual or will not be. Two actions must be combined: humanitarian – empathy with the suffering human being – and politics – denouncing the causes. Hiccup: lack of power. Do not use authority, even if it is an option; perhaps knowing more than others, listening; having the opportunity to teach, to learn; instead of putting yourself in the center, to stay on the edge; with certainty, to doubt.
* * * * * * *
In the Red Arte we live about 130 people, of hybrid religion and thought. Some are in transit or in asylum programmes. Others want to stay with us. Some are from here; others are from there. We are all equal. Everyone from the same community.
Reflections. Baga: “We are utopian, but imperfect,” we say. Perfection is blocking, you never get there. Biga: we are a diverse people, free of excellence. We tried social beauty, but we didn't get it. 0 machismo, 0 racism, 0 waste … and limit our greed. Higa: Major community problems are the result of small everyday problems. Normally they're not ideological issues, you just get poisoned. When trust is poisoned, guilt flourishes.
* * * * * * *
There is no bucolism, social experiences are exempt from it. We live the contradictions with normal. We live on the borders and we know that any small mistake will be interpreted as a failure. However, is there an evolution without social tests?
"Social crafts. The social movement, if it's going to be movement, is because we move. Gasoline and fresh wind. Free bar, open to dreams."
The transformation, beyond the discourse, has to become an experience: the social crafts, which avoid the intensive consumption of social networks, the largest media, that of the most famous people, which avoids the continuous consumption of master and institutional flow. The social movement, if it's going to be movement, is because we move. Gasoline and fresh wind. Free bar open to dreams.
** This poem is part of the 251 issue of Larrun, Recent Militancy Models in Unknown Scenarios.
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