Although it will be a bookstore with an offer for all ages and tastes, it will specialize in “international thought, culture and fighting”. Objective: “To become aware of the tools and face the pessimism of reason, building the alternative from the optimism of will.” With the aim of “enjoying, thinking and organizing” the Basque Country, the Basque works will have a “central place” and will open with a fund of 3,500 books that will be completed. In the cafeteria they will offer cafes, infusions, toast, shakes and other products to sweeten the mouth, giving priority to small and nearby producers.
It will also develop other initiatives such as the Eva Forest Library, the Txoko of Children, the Kuttunak or the presentation of books. The developer of the Eva Forest Library is a team of seven people, “who before the project we joined other projects and movements of Vitoria”. The project has been baptized as a militant, writer and editor Eva Forest.
Programming December
Those responsible have already announced on social media the programme they have prepared for December. The opening will be on 1 December with a toast. The musical presentation of the book Blue Birds will be held on December 2. On the 5th, writer Oihana Arana will present the poetry book Lazunak azkazaletan, followed by her music by Lenoir and MICE. On Day 6, the storytellers Ane Gebara will present a children's corner. 8 Shout! The black liberation movement and music are some of the themes that Igarka de Robles will offer. On 14th the Eva Forest Forest Library will present a second corner, in this case Kuttuna, with the participation of several people: Leo Bueriberi, Marina Suarez, Mikel Aierbe and Cira Crespo collaborator of ARGIA. Finally, on December 15, the writer Katixa Agirre will present and read the novel Berriz zentauro.
Presentation of the book Blue Birds
Next Saturday, December 2, the book Pajaros azul will be presented at the Eva Forest Library. The book "Blue Birds" is a Spanish translation of the book "Blue Birds", which gathers the experiences and reflections of former Presidio Santi Cobos FIES from his mouth. The presentation will be musical and will be attended by Cobos himself, his friend and former Presdent FIES, Victor Peco, the musical group Ziklone, who has interpreted various fragments of the book in Basque, and Zigor Olabarria, the author of the book. The presentation will start at 11:00 and at the end they will enjoy lunch to match the stomach with “pintxos talegeros”.
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