The party and claim go hand in hand in Usansolo, which, despite the persistence of the struggle to become a municipality, is close to meeting the popular demand. Once again leaving the claim of the last 40 years, in the Plaza de Unkina a mosaic of words from the municipality of Usansolo was built on Saturday with umbrellas and an exhibition on the process of development. On August 15, there will be a mobilization from Unkina Square, at 12:00 hours, to later accommodate the food of the bean and the pilgrimage.
What they want is for their decision to be respected and for the Bizkaia General Boards to vote in favour of Usansolo becoming a municipality. And that is that, after four decades of progress, they have managed to bring to the General Meetings of Bizkaia the vote on the deannexation of Usansolo. Although there is no date yet, the parties will vote at the next meeting of the Bizkaia General Meetings. For the UH platform Usansolo Herria there does not appear to be a party voting against disengagement. In any case, it intends to meet with all the matches of the hour, which have already met with EH Bildu and Podemos and will meet in the coming days with PNV, PSE-EE and PP.
At the popular consultation held on 27 March, the Usansolo expressed for the third time their desire to separate from Galdakao to become a municipality. In both 1987 and 2014, two other popular surveys had already been conducted, but the institutions did not recognize their legitimacy. The last consultation was organised by the City Council of Galdakao and is therefore official.
There were 3,771 people invited to vote in the last survey, with a participation of 63.12%. Of these, 81.54% were in favor of the segregation of Usansolo from Galdakao to become a municipality. With these results, the City of Galdakao sent a report to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to complete a non-binding legal report. Now the Bizkaia General Boards have the final word on the matter. If the vote in favour of disengagement prevailed, Usansolo would be the 113 municipality of Bizkaia.
Bizkaiko 113. herria izan nahi du Usansolok, hala erabaki zuten 2014. urtean egindako kontsultan eta 2017an egin zuten sinadura bilketan. Deskonexiorako bide orria adostu zuten alderdi eta instituzioekin, orain ordea EAJk prozesua blokeatu izana salatu du UHk.
Usansolo Herria (UH) taldeak prentsaurrekoa eman du, Usansolo Galdakaotik bereizteko 2016an martxan jarritako prozedura Galdakaoko EAJren eta batik bat Ibon Uribe alkatearen jarreragatik geldotzen ari dela salatzeko. Usansoloren mugak zeintzuk diren berresteko bertoko... [+]
Usansolo Herria (UH) elkarteak agerraldia egin du Galdakaoko Udaletxearen aurrean. Usansoloren desanexio prozesuan Galdakaoko alkateak izandako jarrera salatu du bertan, hala nola Batzorde Parekidearen eraketa.
Usansoloko desanexio prozesuaren barnean, Galdakaoko alkateak ohiz kanpoko Bozeramaile Batzordea antolatu duela salatu du Usansolo Herria (UH) elkarteak. Aukeraketa hori modu pribatuan egin izana leporatu dio.
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak men egin dio Batzar Nagusiek otsailaren 3an onartutakoari, eta 2012tik indarrean dagoen foru araua aldatzea onartu du. Arau horrek Bizkaian udal gehiago sortzea debekatzen du.
Udal berrien sorrera debekatzen duen araua aldatzeko proposamen bat egin dezan eskatuko diote Bizkaiko Batzar Nagusiek Aldundiari, EH Bilduren mozio bat onartu ondoren. Hala, apur bat hurbilago du Usansolok Galdakaotik bereizteko aukera.
Udalbatzak PSE-EEren mozioa onartu du. Sozialistek ez eze, Usansolo Herria, Bildu eta Galdakao Bizirik taldeek alde bozkatu dute. PPk ezezkoa eman du eta EAJ abstenitu egin da.
3.000 herritarrek zuten boto eskubidea Usansolo udalerri bihurtzeari buruzko galdeketan eta %73k bozkatu dute, horietatik %90ek desanexioaren alde. Galdeketa Usansolo Herria plataformak antolatu du eta ez du balio juridikorik.