The operator, who worked in the company Excavaciones Mendiola, subcontracted the company Construcciones Urrutia for the construction of a plant. It was the first day of the worker in the sector.
A 51-year-old worker has died in Vitoria-Gasteiz as he was hit by a bulldozer in the Salburua district. The accident has occurred in the works of the football field surrounding the future football academy in Alavés-Baskonia. The deceased operator was a worker of the company Excavaciones Mendiola, subcontracted by Construcciones Urrutia, according to CCOO in a statement. The union has stated that this was its first day in the sector and has called on companies and the administration to take steps to prevent the recurrence of such accidents. Osalan has opened an investigation to try to clarify the causes that have led to the occupational accident.
In a statement, Alavés-Baskonia regretted the loss and transferred "condolences to the family, friends and colleagues" of the deceased worker, who died in a work accident. It has also shown its full support for the Ertzaintza and Osalan in the ongoing investigations.
The CCOO trade union has called a repulse for this Thursday, at 12:00 a.m., in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca of Vitoria-Gasteiz. In the communiqué, the union has underlined the urgent need to strengthen labour security in the sector. This is the first occupational accident of the year.
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