On January 23, 2019, he swore to be president in a wealthy neighborhood in Caracas. After that, at a rare rate in the field of geopolitics, the factual powers of the whole world were rushed: governments, multinationals and the media. The US Government’s imminent support for Guaidó opened the door to the possibility of making fiction a reality. The intention was clear: through international pressure, creating doubts among Venezuelans and dismembering the Venezuelan army.
Seen from a one-year perspective, the trap of self-proclaimed parallel government has failed. Since then, and because of a violent attempt at armed coup, Guaidó has not managed to control either part of the territory or in a single apparatus of the Venezuelan State. At the international level, yes, in the covers of the majority of the media dominated by multinationals, it has often shown itself as a defender of human rights, as an activist for democracy or as a concert organizer for humanitarian aid.
This political artifact, which emerged from Washington, began to descend in mid-2019. The goal was to get power quickly, time was playing against them, and over the months the environment that they wanted to infuse has been tempered. The media presence has been reduced, the capacity for civic mobilization has deteriorated and the weak unity among the opposition forces has been broken.
However, the fiction film is not over. On Sunday, an international tour was started by right-wing governments. First he went with Ivan Duque of Colombia, then with Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, and finally in Brussels, the representative for international foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, gave him accommodation. He has also appeared alongside politicians such as Angela Merkel, Ivanka Trump, Tony Blair or the PNV Euro-parliamentarian Izazkun Bilbao, who in the Basque Country has had one of his most ardent advocates.
The show has to follow at all costs. We haven't seen the end of the movie yet.
The current situation requires a thorough analysis of what is behind titles, demonstrations, the manipulated dissemination of some facts, the dark concealment of others and the disguised propaganda of analysis in most mainstream media. The situation requires that superficial... [+]
Ten years have passed since 5 March 2013 and we cannot forget this gigantic commander of the peoples.
I don't really like the military. Especially in capitalist and career states. However, there are those who carry within the wishes of the people and have committed themselves to... [+]