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A year teaching jokes to the Palestinians

23 October 2024 - 10:14

By 21 October, the network, named Palestinian Gernika, called for mobilizations. This is an initiative to denounce the genocide suffered by Palestine and to fight for peace, and it cannot be put against these two causes. Solidarity leads us to position ourselves in favour of the Palestinians, and humanity in favour of peace. How we will not recognise the work carried out by dozens of voluntary people in this network (and above all in the groups derived from it).

However, there are indirect information that in this call we can place around other interests. In particular, this call was made in Aiete and aims to recall the demonstration of October 2023 and to ask the Spanish Government for the arms embargo.

Let's go to date. On 21 October there was one of the most massive demonstrations in Euskal Herria in favour of Palestine, and it was no less aware of the cruelty of the situation. So it's worth remembering what happened last year. Some of the so-called “conveners” of the demonstration denounced that the content of the call and the date of publication were misled. Precisely, the agents who have dynamised the solidarity movement with Palestine in the last decade (now known as BDS), knowing that they wanted to make a broad national demonstration and that among many other agents were invited to organize it, decided to create “Palestinian Gernika”. They made it public two days earlier than expected, for lobrega behavior.

In other words, they created a tool to catalyze citizen outrage, to deflect and temper it. In order for a speech to prevail without compromise (which avoided the word boycott and denied it to be genocide), the aim was to override popular movements and guarantee the photos of their political leaders. Indeed, the genocide of the Palestinians is a means of talking about the Basques. To emphasize that we are a people of Gernika, as if we were not the people of CAF who build the train of apartheid. Solidarity and perfect exhibition.

Many of us look with astonishment at the political parties and trade unions which, fifteen years ago, stood in favour of Boikot, Divestment and Sanctions, which renounce them in the hardest of genocide and fall into extreme tibidity.

The date brings us to the place. To highlight the Gernika a year ago, to highlight the figure of Aiete. Export the road to peace here worldwide. Smokers say that there is nothing more annoying than a former smoker and that the Abertzale left wants to give a lesson to the world. They want to clean up their dossiers to be serious democratic politicians. If you have ever respected them, now you do not respect the paths of other peoples. As the announcement says, here we call Peace to the ego.

What is peace? Political parties and trade unions, driven by Gernika and Palestine, say that peace is brought by the United Nations. The goal is to return to 6 October 2023, when the Palestinian genocide was gradually going on, when the Abraham Accords legitimized the State of Israel, the slow death of Palestine. Two states at peace, one thrown and business (Sener, Caf, Spri, Ertzaintza..) flourish smoothly.

And turning to the demands...The "step forward" is for these parties to ask the government for an arms embargo. Since we are not fools, we have realized that the Government of Spain and all the forces of the investiture bloc of Hego Euskal Herria are in this demand. But signing and not complying with their demands is not hypocrisy?

Similar in the case of trade unions. It's easier to hide shouting awareness than to explore with our affiliates the strength that Zionism accumulates in our workplaces. It is better to announce the mobilisations of the liberates than to act in companies (with conscience, research, stoppages, injunctions or actions).

Of course, such projects are lawful. However, many of us look with astonishment at the political parties and trade unions that stood in favour of Boikot, Divestment and Sanctions fifteen years ago, which, in the hardest part of the genocide, have renounced them and fall into extreme epism.

A lot has happened in a year and we have done little. With our mistakes, dozens of citizens are also continuing to organise in favour of the Palestinians against colonialism, racism and imperialism.

We try to reach a consensus on strategies, we face complicity with few resources and many limitations (techniques, policies...), sometimes we get small victories. And along this road, even if it brings belly pains, droppings among friends and time losses, we will also report face cleanings.

Lur Atxesburu, internationalist militant

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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