On Saturday, January 23, the restrictive measures of the Government of Navarre enter into force to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The closure of the hotel and catering establishments will at the same time create a new aid package of EUR 10 million for this sector. In addition, it has limited meetings held in the private sector to a single coexistence unit.
They shall be in force until and including 7 February. They may be modified or extended in the light of the evolution of the epidemiological situation.
Health Advisor Santos Indurain explained on Tuesday that it is forbidden to consume in bars, cafes and restaurants, among other things. However, the terraces will remain open at 100%.
Hotel and other accommodation canteens are excluded from this closure. Meals may be served only to persons housed in the establishment, provided that health measures are complied with and that there are no more than six persons per table. Health centre services, socio-health services, school and university canteens, business canteens and social dining services are also excluded.
Exceptionally, the opening of interiors of customer establishments with both passenger and freight transport personnel, the presence of establishments in service stations or on the road (outside the urban area and on the main roads of Navarre), the provision of parking for more than five trailer trucks and the granting of meals or dinners may be authorised.
Hospitality support
Together with the health measures, the Government of Navarre has announced the launch of a new line of aid of EUR 10 million for the hotel and catering sector.
This initiative has been designed to support one of the sectors most affected by the impact of the pandemic and is in line with the economic and fiscal measures taken so far. These actions include the implementation of deferrals and tax incentives and the call for aid of up to EUR 20 million. The call was held in December and the hotel and catering establishments found that the turnover had been reduced by at least 20%. The conditions and characteristics of the elections will be made known shortly. The call will be published at the BON in February.
Zisjordania, Mendebaldeko Sahara, Krimea eta orain zure etxe pareko espaloia. Noiz demontre kendu behar dituzte covidaitzakian tabernek anexionatutako terraza horiek? Ba ez dago batere argi. Agindu kontraesankorrak. Behe lainoa. Etsaia identifikatzea ere kosta egiten da... [+]
Nafarroako Gobernuak auzitegietara jo du ostalaritzako ordutegia eta aforoak mugatzeko. EAEn ere Eusko Jaurlaritzak LABI batzordea bilduko du asteartean, eta Ipar Euskal Herrian Frantziako Gobernuko ministroen kontseiluak hartuko dituen erabakien zain daude.