Izan Media workshops are now new. The new edition will be distributed in two days: On 17 January, the workshop on Press and Social Networks and on 18, you will have to choose between the Radio, Video and Posters workshops, which will be full-day.
To participate in the workshops it will be necessary to register beforehand, being the last day on 11 January. The tuition price is 10 euros and the USB from Hala Bedi will be delivered to the participants with the theoretical contents and various resources of the workshops.
Please fill out the form below to register. On Saturday you will all be able to eat together, but this must be specified in the form. The workshop will be on Friday from 17:00 to 20:00 and on Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00.
The Izan Media workshops will offer four workshops to deepen the world of video, radio, cartelism and press and social media management.
The media is moving the world. It's one of those truths that we repeatedly unconsciously forget. Because what is not communicated, in short, does not exist. Anyone who wants to be part of something therefore needs to communicate. Or in other words, we communicate because we want to be.
In these times when the main media are in the hands of a few, for those of us who work for another model of society, it is essential to properly communicate what we do. And to do so, we must use the tools we have at our disposal in the best possible way.
This is the objective of the Izan Media workshops organized by Hala Bedi. In addition to a radio program, making a video or a poster, there will also be training to do good press and social media work from the popular movement. In addition, this is an opportunity to get to know Hala Bedi better and start participating in it.
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