More than X/Twitter is the technological impact of Trump’s new era, as evidenced by Meta’s policy change. The Goazen Lagunok initiative does not specifically mention Twitter or Meta, but we believe that Instagram, Facebook and Threads (Meta properties) can be classified among toxic networks. Whatsapp is also owned by the toxic company Meta, but interpersonal communication is not in itself a tool organized according to an algorithm... Well, assessment of readers' hands. Another network that, according to some studies, is toxic is TikTok.
The Goazen Lagunok initiative proposes to take the leap to the fable to escape toxicity:
"We're also fed up with toxic social media, so we've moved to a new neighborhood: the ugly one. We invite you to participate in this community by betting on a more humane, free and collaborative Internet. (...)
We believe in a more humane Internet, without monopolies, invasive algorithms and unwanted advertising. The fediverse is an opportunity to build digital spaces that prioritize the real connection, diversity and well-being of all people."
The Goazen Lagunok project can be merged as an organization, collective or person through the tracks on this page. The website is related to initiatives in other languages of the Spanish state, such as Galician and Spanish
The initiative, most focused on Twitter in the French state, is called HelloQuitteX and is called Twitter.
The possible alternatives to Twitter in Basque and are the Mastodon instances. The track of other Fedibertso resources and on this page prepared by the Goazen Lagunok initiative.
View and reflect.
Euskal Herriko bi muturretatik datoz Itziar (Bilbo, 1982) eta Ekaitz (Erriberri, 2002), sortzen ari den Burujabetzaren Aldeko Mugimenduaren berri ematera. Euskal Herrian diren burujabetza prozesu ugariak arloz arlo bultzatu eta indartu nahi ditu BAMek. Lan horretan hasteko,... [+]
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The evolution that the Internet has taken over the last 15 years, together with its technological and business model, makes us think that it is a tool to increase the worst aspects of humanity. Around the world, agents have been created that are not satisfied with this idea... [+]
In spaces like the X, today, we will have to recognize that it is impossible to have a public debate and a cultural struggle. In this sense, a mistake is that political projects that intend to lead a leftist change leave platforms like X to make the leap to social networks that... [+]