On cold, icy days, the sun beams do us well. They fill us with energy: they strengthen us and they complement us. To the walnut, the hours of sun, when he caresses, tell him that he is not dead. Facing darkness, humidity, cold, loneliness is not easy, the winter is prolonged and the walnut continues working inside, resting asleep.
The brightness matches our inner clock, the circadian rhythm. Light, feeding and the time to eat are directly related to our health, regulate physiological processes such as sleep and wakefulness cycle, regulation of body temperature, hormonal functions, metabolism or digestion. Eating too late at night can break the circadian rhythms. As a result, stress hormone cortisol levels rise and less melatonin is produced, a hormone that helps sleep, which influences the quality and quantity of sleep.
Short and fast dinner, soups and vegetable creams are very suitable. Organization and regularity are fundamental: choosing the right foods of the time and establishing and maintaining robust food schedules. Add colorful fruits and vegetables, especially oranges, yellow, purple and green.
Don't forget the seeds and nuts.
I use all of the organic citrus fruits, the skin and the flesh. Some forms of use are:
We can crush the skin to put it on a salad. We can decorate or prepare desserts with confusing skins and fruits. We can leave the skin in oil or vinegar to aromatize it. When I prepare rice with milk, add a lemon and orange peel to the milk, together with a cinnamon stick.
With citrus juice, we can heat the salads. We can make gelatin with bits of fruit or bark, with apples of agar nahastuta.Haragi add orange juice to make the salsa.
Next to the onion and garlic, I always have the lemon nearby. They are rich in substances that protect cells and
tejidos.El lemon juice comes well to fight high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, fight stress and fatigue or strengthen the body's defenses. Mixed with water and honey, helps the throat and katarrotarako.Garai is suitable for washing, alkalinizing and hydrating the body after excesses.
oranges and mandarins Oranges
and mandarins bring to our mouths the sun that we so much need in winter. In the summer season citrus fruits have accumulated sunlight and now, in winter, when the sun’s rays have little force, the earth gives us the sun turned into fruta.Son rich in vitamin
C and antioxidants: they help strengthen the immune system, protect against infections, strengthen the body’s defenses and keep skin healthy. They serve to cope with the aging of cells and fill us with orange energya.Las
have a lot of fiber and give us a feeling of satiety, facilitate digestion and reduce the risk of intestinal problems. Constipation can be a good orange partner for problems.
They help lower cholesterol thanks to plant sterols. Because of its high potassium content, the blood vessels relax and the blood flows more easily. Thus, low blood pressure. It is
diuretic.Through folic acid they participate in the production of red blood cells, in the development of the nervous system and in the formation of antibodies. It is essential to prevent anemia and has many benefits for pregnant women.
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