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Urtaroa, to meet over a hundred activities thanks to the Basque Country

  • On the occasion of this year’s Euskera Station, some hundred activities have been organized between 19 November and 3 December, which will allow the reunion thanks to the Basque Country.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

17 November 2021 - 14:20
Last updated: 15:25

Thanks to the collaboration of Euskal Elkargoa, Herriko Etxeak and associations, a hundred appointments will be organized for 15 days: shows, talks, exhibitions, workshops, games, guided tours, mountain walks…

The main events of the 2021 edition are as follows:

Larresoro, Baiona or Ligin, among others, will offer several quotes to meet or rediscover Basque songs, in which Niko Etxart, Mikel Markez, Eñaut Elorrieta, the singers Aire Ahizpak and Rafa Rueda, and the researchers and writers Xabier Itzaina and Gotzon Barandiaran will participate. And to sing: an art therapist offers a music and gastronomy workshop in Ezpeleta, two singing courses in Makea, one night singing in Anhauz and a karaoke in Bardoze.

10 guided tours “Art and Heritage” organized by the Oficina de Turismo del Colegio Vasco o Spacejunk: Visits to the villages of Getaria, Donibane Garazi and Sara and knowledge of street art works in the neighborhoods of Baiona.

Various workshops to learn how to do photography, film dubbing, serigraphy, composting, dance and many other things.

Workshop cycle “Philosophy through artistic practice” with Professor Olatz Perez, in Hendaia, Hazparne and Maule, on the occasion of family dating or the Zinegin festival.

Although the Euskera Station is aimed at Euskaldunes, be they new or old speakers, thanks to the simultaneous translations and the subtitles of the films some quotes will be made for the Castellanospeakers.

Discover the full program by clicking here.

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