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The Gernika-Palestine platform calls for mobilizations on 21 October

  • The movement has called for acts of solidarity to be organized in all the peoples of the Basque Country. In the morning, there will be demonstrations by trade unions and the educational community, and in the afternoon, they have called to concentrate before the municipalities of all peoples.  

Urriaren 7an Gernika-Palestinak Donostian eginiko agerraldia Gernika-Palestina Herri Ekimena

08 October 2024 - 12:18
Last updated: 17:10

According to the platform, mobilizations and social collaboration against violence against the Palestinians have intensified over the past year. In this regard, he recalled that in the Basque Country there have been "successful" initiatives to denounce the Palestinian genocide. “Euskal Herria has contributed to placing the cry of Palestine in the world.” However, he stressed that Israel's "violence and impunity" "still have no limits". “We are witnessing one of the most cruel genocides that has ever happened.”

The group has recalled that over the past year 41,000 Palestinians have been killed and 70 per cent of the infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed. "We are not going to allow anyone to occupy anyone's territory," they added, and they have called for peace and justice at an international level. "Dialogue and negotiation are key elements for the achievement of a just and lasting peace", he added.

Multiple protections

At the hearing and meeting on 7 October, Gernika received broad support from, inter alia, political parties and trade unions. Representatives of the political parties PNV, EH Bildu, PSE-EE, Podemos, Sumar and Ezker Anitza attended the meeting, as well as representatives of the trade unions ELA, LAB, Steilas, CCOO, UGT, CGT, Solidari, EHNE, Etxalde e Hiru. Other personalities and agents who have expressed their support have also come forward, such as the former UPV/EHU Director Nekane Balluerka, Ernai, the Euskal Herria pensioners’ movement, and Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminist, among others. They've called for mass mobilizations to "stop genocide and reclaim the solution."


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