ERNAI will claim on 12 October that Euskal Herria is a nation. A nation that has no recognition, and that often suffers attacks from reactionary elements, challenging social and political changes. “In Euskal Herria and especially in Navarre the social and political changes that are taking place are great, and the reaction to them is the violent attitude of the right; before an increasingly Euskaldun, more leftist and feminist Navarre, they react with the precepts that come from Madrid,” says Ernai.
Along with the rise of the international extreme right, the “78 regime”, the youth organization believes that it is “an ideal scenario for an offensive of fascism”. “We are already experiencing some of the consequences of this increase: Singing “face to the sun” in Tudela, banning our symbols in Villava, banning the popular festivities and Euskaldunes in Estella, the rise of VOX in the elections, the merit of the Basque country illegalized in health, etc.”.
The mobilisation to be held on 12 October is intended to be a new impetus in the direction of this political and social change. “Let us push the construction of this people from different shores. In Navarre, on 12 October we have nothing to celebrate, but we have to win. We will win Euskal Herria to win anti-fascists!”
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
There are those who say that elections serve only to give legal status to political decisions. And there are not very many who think that way. Okay, but with that, a lot of things are said, among other things, that real power, power, is out of that game.
But, in my view,... [+]