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Benefits of Urki-sap

Kanadan baliatzen duten teknika darabilte Zuberoan ere uraren antza duen likidoa jasotzeko: urkiari txerto txiki bat egin, plastikozko hoditxo bat sartu eta grabitateari esker bidoira erortzen da.

23 September 2021 - 07:54
Last updated: 09:55
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Bettan D’hulst, resident in Basaburua (Zuberoa), started the O’Lurra project seven years ago, which brings together and markets the birch sapa or sweat. It receives it in Ligi (Zuberoa), near the Irati Forest. “He worked for the Zuberoa Community, studying what resources could be obtained with wood from forests,” he explains. He discovered that trees were mainly used for wood and paper, and in search of more uses, through a technical friend, he knew that the birch sap could be harvested. He began to analyze and discovered that the elderly in the area were aware of the activity and benefits of birch technique. However, production and sales were not developed, so they decided to go down the road.

From tree to bag, live

The collection of birch mushroom lasts just over a month, from February to March. “Before making the leaves, it’s when more sap runs in the tree. The sap goes up to create leaves,” explains the project member. In Zuberoa they also use the technique they use in Canada to collect a liquid that resembles water: make a small vaccine to birch, put a plastic tube in and fall into the drum thanks to gravity. Each year, O’Lurra members receive about 2,000 liters.

After the experience of these years, the project driver has realized something: “Climate change is moving ahead every year; when I started collecting it in March, but this year, for example, I started in February,” he says. The owner of a Ligi forest allows D’hulst to make vaccines on birch and flap, and he tries to cause as little damage as possible to the tree. “By removing the vaccine, we cover the hole we have made to the tree again, and when the leaves start, we stop harvesting, limiting ourselves a lot in time.” Production has an eco-label and several checks are carried out each year.

For cleaning, as a probiotic or for skin problems

The sap collected is marketed in different ways by the members of the project. On the one hand, they sell it in bags, so that those who use it for body cleaning can consume it fresh. “The cleaning treatment for toxin removal is three weeks; it cleans the leather and hair, is purifying and good for circulation,” says the producer. Another form of consumption is lactofermentation, which consists in collecting the flap and leaving it lactofermenting naturally, taking the form of milk. “This process generates probiotics and is very good for the intestine and for the development of immune defenses.” Finally, a nearby laboratory has also begun to produce soaps of different flavourings with the lid. They are beneficial for people with skin problems.

O’Lurra members don’t have a store, but they sell their product on the nearest route, via the internet web, bioshops and AMAP. In addition, he pointed out that more and more requests for assistance to the refugee are being received from the south as well.

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