I painted February in blue: the color of the water to give it importance, because we are water. To take care of the kidneys and bladder, we need to take care of the water, the mineral salts, and the amount and source of protein we eat. I encourage you to enrich our food plans with broths, soups, vegetables, fruits and infusions. We must take care of ourselves as we take care of the plants and the garden of the house. We are the most important plant in the house, give priority, season and water!
We suffer from hypertension, digestive discomfort, circulation problems, cold feet and hands or concentration problems when we lack water.
How much water do I need? Between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Water needs depend on many factors, especially climatology, ambient humidity and physical activity. Do not forget that fruits and vegetables are a source of water.
I will recommend some green leafy vegetables to keep your body well-watered. The green leaves owe their tone to the vegetable pigment called chlorophyll. This pigment has antioxidant, purifying and energizing properties. Defenses are needed to be strong and strong.
Lettuce is an alkalizing, refreshing and remineralizing food. How does it help us? On the one hand, it is rich in fibers, satisfactory. Well chewed, it is favorable for those who want to lose weight. It helps to digest and fight constipation. On the other hand, it helps to relax and fall asleep because it is rich in tryptophan. Thirdly, it lowers blood sugar and therefore helps in the diet plans of diabetics. Finally, its high content of beta-carotene makes it very interesting for the intestines, colon and lungs.
How can we prepare the lettuce? It is one of the vegetables that we should eat almost every day in autumn and winter: it provides a lot of vitamins and low doses of minerals that enrich the diet with almost no calories. It reigns in salads and combines with almost everything. I recommend eating at noon.
We usually eat raw lettuce in the mangrove. I recommend eating it cooked with potatoes and carrots, it will surprise you. Prepared in this way or made in cream is suitable for dinner.
The cervix strengthens the bones because it is rich in minerals. It is an excellent source of calcium, especially for those who do not consume dairy products.
It is useful against constipation due to its high fiber content. On the other hand, it fights anemia: because it also contains a lot of iron and copper, it helps to treat ferropenic anemia. Keep in mind that the body will absorb this iron better thanks to vitamin C. But it’s clear: if you have high uric acid, it’s a food to avoid.
How to prepare? Its green leaves and stems are ideal for making vegetable broths, along with carrots and onions. We can cook them in water or make them in steam. They can be sautéed with olive oil, with pine nuts and raisins, or with nuts. Another way is to cook the pecans or stems and then pass them through the flours, roast them and fry them; they are very delicious. We can make these stuffed pencils with cheese and ham.
Nutritious, tasty, healthy and purifying are these three delicious vegetables and give many colors to winter dishes, especially salads. They are high in fiber and low in calories. They are rich in minerals: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. They also provide a large amount of vitamin A and folic acid.
They purify and cleanse, help the bile and liver and facilitate digestion. On the other hand, they are anti-inflammatory, delicious for those who suffer from skin problems. Finally, like uraza, they are very helpful for those with diabetes.
How to prepare? They are tasty in the salad with nuts, pieces of fruit and cheese. They can also be prepared by cooking with olive oil and masonry.
On menus where there are heavy dishes, I always recommend bitter salads prepared with these vegetables. For example, with high-fat meats and pork, in salad or cooked.
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.
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