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LAB denounces that Urduliz hospital has used practice nurses without specific training to perform PCR tests

  • The LAB union regretted that in the hospital of Urduliz, PCR tests were carried out on 4th year nursing students without their own training. In addition, he has denounced that "action has been taken without the necessary supervision", as "the head of these students was in the room next door, doing CPA too". As the union explained, this situation lasted for eleven days, until 23 September was formed in a one-hour session.
Urdulizko ospitalea.

08 October 2020 - 09:39
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

According to the LAB syndicate in a statement, the Urduliz Hospital Management (OSI Uribe) has used 4th year nursing students who perform PCR tests "without giving their own training (how to use PPE and perform PCR tests) and without the necessary supervision". According to the union, this situation lasted for eleven days, until a one-hour training session was held on 23 September. "At that time the students realized with great concern that the CPA was not doing well."

LAB considers the situation to be unacceptable: "The addresses of the OSI Osakidetza cannot use nursing students as cheap labor, without sufficient training and without direct supervision. This is a recklessness that can have negative consequences on the health of the users, who have responsibility".

The Abertzale syndicate has denounced that Osakidetza "manages in a decentralized way the PCR tests and tracking works, each OSI in its style, and privileges improvisation, irresponsibility, chaos and misuse of resources". In view of this, he has asked the Osakidetza management to "clearly" regulate the functioning of these initiatives, to represent all workers who have been taken from the health centres to cover the deficiencies of their workplaces and to convene the affected people from the recruitment lists of the administrative profile categories.

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Trebiñu Araban sartzeko “aurrerapausorik” ez dela eman salatu dute enklabeko zinegotziek

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