In 1992, Juan Ignacio Vidado was elected director of the consortium that launched the process when the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao was not yet built. Four years later he was appointed general director of the museum. The first and only director of the Guggenheim will cease at the end of this year. However, he will remain director emeritus, as part of the foundation. Vidarte says that since 2017 he had planned to leave office, but for pandemic and other issues he has not taken the step.
Vidarte has announced to the Board of Trustees of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao that it is necessary to "open a new time" at the meeting held on Monday and "have room for other views that will lead the museum to the future". The Board consists of representatives of the main Basque institutions, chaired by the President of the Basque Government and accompanied by the Minister for Culture of the Government, the Deputy General of Bizkaia and the Deputy Minister for Culture, the Mayor of Bilbao and the representation of the Patronato Guggenheim International.
Looking for the Second Guggenheim
Vidarte has enthusiastically promoted the expansion, expansion or direct construction of a second of the Guggenheim Bilbao. He first explored it in Sukarrieta, and in 2018 he left the opportunity and became apparent in Gernika-Urdaibai.
Vite is fired in part from a three-decade trajectory without leaving the second Guggenheim project on track. However, the board stressed that the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was born to accommodate 400,000 visitors and that last year it received 1.32 million more than the Guggenheim in New York.
Vidé has offered a press conference on Tuesday morning and said that "it is the direction of the future" to put the Guggenheim de Urdaibai "on its way".
With this article, the BDS movement wants to make a public boycott of the event to be held on 24 September at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In it, they will have the presence of the renowned Zionist artist, Noa, who will present his last record work.
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Ekainaren 1etik daude greban, besteak beste, soldata arrakalaren aurka. Emakumeak dira denak, eta salatu dute 900 euro baino gutxiagoko soldata eta "lan-karga jasanezina" dituztela.
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Ez da ohikoena Guggenheim bezalako museo batean bi emakumezko artistaren bakarkako erakusketak aldi berean ikusteko aukera izatea. Beraz, aitzakia hau baliatuta, museora sartzeko bidesaria ordaintzeak merezi duela esango dugu. Lee Krasner margolariaren atzera-begirakoan... [+]
2016an greba egin zuen eta ondoren kaleratua izan zen langile bati 6.251 euroko kalteordaina ematera eta hura berriz ere kontratatzera zigortu dute Guggenheim Bilbao Fundazioa, grebarako eskubidea urratu duelako.