A study carried out by the media Le Monde and Radio France highlights the irregularity of the water bottle industry. The focus is on the well-known Nestlé company. They report that the company has hidden the contamination of its waters and used prohibited cleaning methods. Researchers have learned of this after a complaint from the group Sources Alma, producer of bottled water brands. S are managed by Nestlé. Companies of the water bottles Pellegrino, Vittel, Perrier and Acqua Panna.
Nestlé acknowledges that it has failed to comply with the regulations to ensure the cleanliness of its waters. According to the study, this illegal practice can affect at least 30% of bottled water. However, the government has not informed the courts or the European authorities. The news questions consumer confidence in the quality of bottled water, which has been marketed for years as a cleaner and healthier option than tap water.
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