UPN announced at the end of February that in Navarre it would accompany pp in the next Spanish general elections on April 28 and in the municipal and foreign elections on May 26. Now, UPN has proposed to Citizens to come together to the two elections and Citizens has accepted it. The coalition of the three parties will be called Navarra Suma. This party is against the outbreaks and has on more than one occasion announced that if it came to power it would annul them, but UPN says that the pact wants to deal with the independentists and that Citizens would put aside the abolition of the outbreaks. In any case, for example, Albert Ribera said this weekend in Valencia that if he reaches the government the textbooks of the schools will be made in Madrid and not in the autonomies.
There are also movements on the left, because for the first time ERC and EH Bildu will be presented jointly to the Parliament of Spain. They are not yet clear on what formula, but they will have a joint parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies. The truth is that this is still a pre-agreement, but it does not seem that the basis will give a no to the decision. The BNG and other forces, for their part, also want to approach the European Commission’s proposal. For the European elections in May, for example, the three forces go hand in hand.
Also, Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra, who during the legislature have supported the Government of Navarra, have announced that they will come together for the Senate next weekend.
What the PNV is going to do in the European elections is also in the air. He has usually left with CIU, but once it has disappeared, the PDeCAT has decided that his candidate will be Carles Puigdemont and it is not clear what the Jeltzales are going to do about it. The matter will be discussed at the meeting on Monday afternoon.
Pantxoa Bimboire Haritxelar, Ipar Euskal Herriko Eusko Alderdi Jeltzaleko arduradun berria da azarotik. Ipar Euskal Herriko ekonomia munduko pertsona ezaguna da.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
Since 24 October, Iñigo Errejón has been named head of the line of all the media in the Spanish State, and his name has been used to date, right and left. It has achieved a very rare media noise, and it seems that the echo is going to take a long time. Now we all have... [+]