"We believe that sport is a fundamental tool for the development of a more just, respectful and inclusive society, because we believe that sport is a very important part of our life, with which we grow, sometimes for it, and we continue to practice much of our lives." These first words from the club Union Tutera show that it will not be another club.
The proponents of this project intend to dissociate themselves from the business around sport and to act on the basis of the global education of society, in particular in the society of Tudela and Ribera. "It is clear to us that the club's mission is social, that it is involved in the transformation of sport and that it has a firm commitment," said the young people.
Among its objectives are the involvement with the culture of the territory "with the integration of the different races and genders excluded", as well as the normalization and learning of the Basque Country. It should be noted that Ageraldia has been committed to this project from the very beginning.
"We want to use football, in this case, to show our non-conformism about the current model, with the conditions and the filters that must be overcome in order to be able to create, with the money it entails and with the business it entails. In addition, of course, we want to change the worrying attitudes that today are seen in the field and outside it," they said.
This group will start a crownfunding campaign itsulapikoa.eus with the aim of raising between 4 and 6 thousand euros to get the money needed for its implementation, which will work in an assembly.
A new student has come to school. It comes from Ireland. The mother of Bilbao and the Irish father of pure strain.
The girl does not know Basque but speaks perfectly Spanish. The teacher puts him on the blackboard to introduce himself to his new colleagues and, once finished,... [+]
Pariseko Paralinpiar jokoak erdigunera heldu dira, eta euskal kirolariek ere zenbait domina erdietsi dituzte. Hogei euskal kirolari inguru Parisen dira, horietarik lau, Ipar Euskal Herriko kirol taldeetan ari direnak, eta horietan domina edo dominak erdietsi dituzte aste hondar... [+]