In order to eliminate inequality between social classes, it can be decided that students establish the uniform, but listening to President Emmanuel Macron's speech in its entirety does not seem to be the purpose. Considering the intentions and decisions listed in the discourse, "everything is a set that gives meaning to the uniform, responds to a vision and we understand that it does not have a social function, that the objective is to eliminate diversity, to standardize the students. Through clothing, people seek ways to show identity, and with the uniform that is covered," explains Amelia Barquin.
"In this elimination and homogenization, there are certainly intentions not to see a dead person, not to see an African cloth, to eliminate some urban forms that may have to do with the social class and the citizens of other origins...", says the educator Nora Salbotx. In the name of neutrality, because Salbotx sees blurry focusing on racism and classism.
Our way of managing our appearance and our body, especially at certain ages, is an important way of expressing ourselves and expressing ourselves, perhaps the freedom we do not have in other areas is used to dress us, and all this contradicts the measure, Barquin explains. Although the uniform is defended from a socio-economic perspective, "the social class always looks for ways to show its brightness," he says, for example, with expensive shoes and backpacks.
"In this elimination and homogenization, there are certainly intentions not to see the fig tree, not to see the African fabric, to eliminate some urban ways to avoid it..."
Do I skirt girls, boys pants?
Barquin and Salbotx also suspect and worry that uniforms strengthen binarism: one garment for girls and another for boys.
Salbotx also criticizes school instrumentalization: "In the speech, Macro speaks of order and security, of better assembly, of better control of borders, of more control of drugs, of duplicating the police, of disciplining the uneducated… and cites, without reservation, among the instruments he will use for this discipline, the school. Brigitte Vasallo et al. have denounced that the State uses disciplinary instruments to impose its gaze, including the school. This is a clear example of this."
Education of French nationalism in power
Along with the uniform measurement, Macron mentions, among other things, the study of La Marsellaise in Elementary or the national service of high school students. In short, it seems that the French Government wants to make schools an instrument for educating children and young people in French nationalism, as confirmed by Seaska President Peio Jorajuria: "Both in the conference and in the scenography, the message has been profoundly conservative and nationalist French, and that is what it intends to do through education, to develop French nationalism so that all students internalize that nationalism. For us it is very worrying, but it has not surprised us, because in recent years the government has been following that path."
"Education aims for all students to embrace French nationalism. For us it is very worrying, but it has not surprised us, because in recent years the government is following this path"
Asked how it will affect seaska, "it affects us as a contract school, we have to apply the law", he replied, "but one thing is what is communicated and the other is what is going to go in the final text, because in these years he has made other tough statements and then not everything we have said has been applied, we will see what the final text is and what it is and how it should be applied".
In the words of Emmanuel Macron, in two years' time, only one garment will enter into force in the schools of the French State, but the idea is that a pretest be carried out in more than a hundred schools and that if the uniform is properly evaluated, the measure will be extended to the rest of the schools.
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Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
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I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]