On Monday, the Ministry of Universities has informed the autonomous communities of the proposed measures for the new course. The basic document presented in June is the update of the document announced today. On September 3, Thursday, the Minister of Universities, Manuel Castells, will offer new explanations on the case.
In-person and online
The Ministry of Universities has prioritized the classroom model, but also provides the online model for some situations: "If the capacity of the facility is less than the number of students enrolled to ensure a distance of 1.5 metres, the activity cannot be carried out in its entirety in person and the universities must take appropriate measures for its implementation online". On the other hand, if a student is isolated awaiting results and positive, he will have the “right” to receive the school differently. The exercise of the right shall be agreed by each university. If the number of students or workers affected is high, the university shall take its decisions jointly with the health care providers.
Importance of ventilation
Most of the measures announced by the Ministry are in line with those taken in schools in general. Each university must complete the protocol prior to positive cases and one responsible for COVID-19. In case any person has symptoms, there should be a separate room in each center to isolate it.
The Ministry of Universities recommends ventilation of the spaces, keeping the windows open “as long as possible”. It requires at least 15 minutes of window opening at the beginning and end of each day and class.