Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Children in the water, with upright ears

Alloz urtegian 20 urteko gazte bat hil zen 2023an. / Argazkia: Eitb.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It would not be wrong to remember the risks of water at this time when we are completely submerged in the summer of 2024. In general, we all remember wonderful moments in aquatic areas, but periodically, some tragic news moves us in the headlines of the media. To think that drowning occurs only in areas of high seas or depths is an erroneous prejudice, whether in rivers, pools or reservoirs, among other things, can reach us misfortune. It only takes a few seconds to go to the bottom, so surveillance is essential, especially when the responsibility of children or adolescents is in our hands. The data from the statistics of 2023 are chilling, with 422 deaths throughout the Spanish state, nineteen of them in Hego Euskal Herria. Please, let us escape the black list, because human beings are not aquatic beings. So, always alert!

Data source: National drowning report. Spanish Federation of Rescue and Relief.

Mikel González De Reparaz, firefighter

You are interested in the channel: Prebentzioa
The UPV/EHU concludes that there is a “great need” to work on suicide prevention in foster care homes
Researchers at the University of the Basque Country have studied the suicidal behavior of adolescents in foster care homes and have concluded that a quarter of young people have attempted suicide. They report that most staff have “low” knowledge.

Properly reporting suicide can save lives
Reporting suicide can help people with suicidal thoughts, but to do so it is essential to be properly informed, avoiding false convictions, stereotypes and sensationalism around this tobacco, and informing about risk factors, preventive measures and auxiliary handles.

2022-03-23 | ARGIA
ELA creates the Bidelagun Foundation to reduce workplace accidents
The foundation will be based on specialization and legal innovation, and these tools will make 'accidents or diseases more expensive than preventive measures'. In the companies of Hego Euskal Herria there are 40,000 accidents a year and the objective is to reduce them.

2021-07-15 | Sustrai Colina
Juan Gérvas
"Ez dago gaixotasunik, gaixoak daude"

Kontsultara sartu ginenerako, medikua hizketan ari zen.

2020-12-23 | Ander Perez
Miriam Arrangi. Prevention services in the districts of Pamplona, at risk
"The administration has a lot of resources, but it doesn't have what neighborhoods have, the closeness to protect people."
In the last two decades, in eight districts of Pamplona, the associations have offered the Community Preventive Action Services (SADAE) for children and adolescents through a contract signed with the city council. Now, the municipal government of Navarra Suma, with the support... [+]

Navarra Suma retires the 8 prevention groups from the neighborhoods of Pamplona
The City Council of Pamplona/Iruña has informed the associations that they will not extend their contracts one and a half hours before appearing at a press conference. The Administrative Court of Public Contracts of Navarra gave the associations the right to annul the summer... [+]

The Basque Government approves a strategic plan to deal with suicide
The objective of this strategic plan is to make the suicide collision more flexible, offering support to the affected individuals and families, as well as prevention and early action.

2017-05-26 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Emakumeen osasunaren aldeko protesta egin dute Barakaldon

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2017-01-23 | Unai Brea
Mario Fernández. Physician concerned about the environment and the crisis
"Those who manage healthcare always have the objective of reassuring the citizens"
Bilbao 1951. Graduated in Medicine, he has been an inspector of health services for about 35 years. He has spent approximately the same time in the association for the right to health Osalde, of which he is one of its founders. Mario Fernández, who deals with occupational... [+]

2015-11-25 | Irati Elorrieta
Numbers in sex

In the EiTB App, among the usual polemics and news of mistreatment among politicians, I read that 60% of Navarros do not use contraception in their first sexual intercourse. And that the data from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country are similar. Aja. I thought it was... [+]

2013-10-21 | ARGIA
Minbizian, genetikak baino eragin askoz handiagoa du bizimoduak eta kutsadurak

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Large gontzal
"Leading a healthy life, we would avoid 80% of the usual chronic diseases"
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Eguneraketa berriak daude