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Children, police, micronutrients

13 May 2024 - 07:35
Last updated: 10:43
Lehen Hezkuntzako umeak Ertzaintzaren komisaria bati bisita egiten, 2023an. Bihotz Gaztea ikastola
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

First of all, a municipal activity in Euskera, a dozen children from two to three years playing in the park, around the parents, has approached me one of the children by my side, zast!, has cut my breath the bracelet that takes in the corner: the Ertzaintza. Blue Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter is a far-right movement of the U.S. Police, created against the Black Lives Matter, created after the murder of George Floyd, “I can’t breathe.” Replica of the microbial: that my rebellion is shared with a father friend and not surprised, that his partner has just entered a sports Whatsapp and that a colleague has put a photo of his son in the stadium, accompanied by the logo of the Ertzaintza and the motto “The Police in the Bosses”.

For the second microfiber: In Plaza Nueva there is an empty stage, surrounded by fences for no one to climb, but the children run from top to bottom and ours has also moved in ramp. I have been approached by two four-year-old girls, in a beautiful Spanish: “Sir, you can’t go onstage”; “and why? "The police said it." It is my turn to the guaya, supposedly smiling: “Well, sometimes you don’t have to listen to the police, always without them realizing”; “Ah! For your father is the police!”; “Yes, will I call? Pope!!! Papa!!!”. In a race, I take the boy on the board and I've walked away, afraid that one of the men in the neighboring crew will get me wrong, with the horror of someone who comes to me with help. Replica of the microbial: I have shared the tragicomedy with a friendly father, who is not surprised, that the father of a roommate of his four-year-old daughter is the ertzaintza, that the one next to him is an addict to cooking – it can be chance – and answers when they tell him that he cannot do that, “You calm down, my father will come, stop you and imprison you.” All in two weeks.

In times not so distant, the police were “officials” in the public sphere. Now it seems that, in addition to claiming out loud, they use their children proud to advertise their profession.

In times not so distant, the police were “officials” in the public sphere. Now it seems that, in addition to claiming aloud, they use their children proud to promote their profession. Some will do so as a conscious political act; others will naturally, without thinking about it, be an even more worrying symptom, because it indicates that the professional trade in violence has normalized in our country.

Although the police maintain the same personal and political roles and positions – asking racist, militant people, Xubanen’s eye in Villabona, the Real Society fan who sent him to the ICU, Irun’s humiliated citizen… – they are depoliticizing their existence like any other job. Another fact, as an example, is that of a long time ago: in a few hours in the Jimmy Jazz room, from the speakers there is no respite, to see the disgust face of a friend and to ask him what happens, pointing to the person who shouts “Do you see that typa?”, “ETA, ETA, ETA-ETA!”.

And one last example, in the inverse sense: today you can find the 2X2 body of the former militant of some ‘radical’ movements of Vitoria-Gasteiz entering a uniform munipa, ready to lay off former combatants, yes. Perhaps I am the only one who lately in our environment in general in the progre with these kinds of interviews: “Do Urlia remember? Well, he's preparing work competitions for the police." But I don't think so.

Let us politicize, deregulate and bring the police problem to the forefront so that the police can reappear as officials or at least not use their children as advertising media. To stop the authoritarian and militaristic delusion that we are living in the name of democracy. Or, simply, in the name of public health: people with a sensitive heart so that we don't live in the microbial.

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