The Umap bird finder started in October 2010. He has worked for twelve and a half years and has been the group of lice that has gathered 77,132.,076. Just under half, 28,618,588 in Basque, of 27,019 users.
The tweets in Basque that we detected and analyzed year after year have been:
Year Quantity
2007 -> 1.375
2008 -> 2.816
2009 -> 20.009
2010> 51.105
2011 -> 181.516
2012> 849.758
2013 -> 2.328.085
2014 -> 2.712.375
2015> 2.809.217
2016 -> 2.791.263
2017> 2.761.630
2018> 2,525,394
2019 -> 2.536.645
2020 -> 3.111.935
2021 -> 2,727,630
2022 -> 2.280.831
2023 -> 927.057
Although Umap starts in 2010, the database also has earlier tweets. How? when a new user is detected, a method to decide whether he was Euskaldun or not, has been to ask for 200 tweets ago and check whether there was Euskera in them. The history of some users of the early years was already there, in those 200 tweets. These collections and classifications have always been programmed.
Each year we have analyzed the use of Euskera with these data, publishing reports. Traol count, count and analysis of the most shared URLs (source analysis) have been performed.
From the analysis of the links or URLs deployed in Txio, a new service was invented: the automatic informative, which was integrated in Sustatun in August 2012, and was later renamed the Network. This worked like this.
Thus, 7,334,784 links were analyzed, based on 24,901,637 tweets in Basque. Of these, 32,247 news releases to Sustatu, year after year as follows:
Year Quantity
2012> 1.135
2013 -> 4.155
2014 -> 3,836
2015 -> 3.962
2016 -> 4.275
2017> 4.119
2018 -> 2.904
2019 -> 1,792
2020 -> 2.704
2022 -> 1.344
2021 -> 1,754
2023 -> 267
Each of these news features added how users were commented to see tweets chains.
A whole era of shared videos
As an extension of the previous service, with Umap we also saw that the videos were increasingly present in the shared content, in the links. So we started collecting on Youtube video (as this platform had a proper API, unlike others) and in January 2017 we launched the service
Thus, almost 50,000 videos were detected and analyzed, determining that they had content in Euskera, which then exceeded monitoring/sharing parameters that went to the file and were organized according to the ranking of the most inspected. There are 36,727 videos saved in the TBX file between 2017 and 2023. For example, in July last year, what was the most seen in Basque on Youtube? This one.
With the Umap stop in March 2023 he also stopped, what happens is that he has continued to automatically upload the content of some Youtube channels... But without social supplements, without shared data, we will also have to rethink the continuity of this service.
The stop occurred on March 14, 2023, when Twitter closed its APIs open. The last interesting tricks of the day are frozen on the cover of Umap that day.
Since then we have worked at CodeSyntax in a number of technical studies. Did the new payment API conditions deserve effort? We have come to a negative conclusion. Under the new conditions of the Twitter API, we would need a Pro account to be able to continue doing what we have done every day for 12 years, at a rate of $5,000 per month.
If, for academic reasons, for example, we justified a request to go back to work, that would also be pointless. In June, academic APIs have been reduced and Twitter has offered the same to social scientists and data collectors using it: Rate $5,000.
70 million tweets gathered, 33,000 news in Basque commented, 36,000 videos classified by ranking and dates... Is it worth keeping them? Yes, no doubt, either as a thick database for future files, or as a query tool, although Umap and have been closed or frozen, we are committed to storing your content. From now on we will try to organise it well.
Meanwhile, in the case of Sustatu, Twitter has made things even more difficult since the March stop: in recent weeks they have disabled the automated tweets delivery system and the login form for users. We will also have to resolve them.
Twitter, it has been nice all the time and it has not been a pointless job. Don Elon, go to hell.
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
I think it will have to do with the hangover of the profession, but I have to acknowledge that I look at the linguistic landscape of the places I visit. Signs that stick on the walls, hanging from streetlights, billboards, and supports that appear in shops or companies (signs,... [+]