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The International Summit says that priority must be given to Ukraine's "territorial unity", without consensus.

  • At the so-called peace summit in the Swiss city of Bürgenstock, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski took advantage of the quotation to put diplomatic pressure on Russia and to relocate the focus of Israel once again to Palestine to Eastern Europe.

17 June 2024 - 11:15
Last updated: 13:02

The summit held last weekend has ended without absolute consensus. The final document has been signed by a majority of countries, approximately 80 of the 90, but significant countries such as China, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Mexico have not agreed. Brazil, for example, has participated as a "supervisor" at the summit.

Territorial unity and freedom of prisoners

In order to negotiate peace, according to the document, priority must be given to Ukraine's "territorial unity", which is what Vladimir Putin does not want. Putin recently announced that he would sign a possible peace agreement if Ukrainian soldiers had fled the regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhia and Ukraine refused to join NATO. It is not, of course, planned to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO at summits such as Switzerland.

Furthermore, the document states that merchant vessels, ports and significant infrastructure cannot be damaged. On the nuclear issue, the letter calls for "care" and makes it clear that the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant must always be in the hands of the Ukrainians, today in the hands of the Russians.

Finally, the letter calls for the release of all persons who have been arrested and kidnapped in the context of war and the form of change. They provide information on this issue: 20,000 Ukrainian children are illegally deported. The countries that have signed the letter state that they cannot turn their backs on them.

Will Russia sit at the next meeting?

This question is in the air. It is clear that, in the light of the statements by both sides, there is no clear path to consensus, but some of those who participated in the summit have suggested to the press that at the next meeting Russia should also sit down. This Swiss summit was not invited because the organisers hoped that Putin would renounce the invitation.

Natasa Pirc, President of Muso Slovakia, said: "The next congress cannot be held without the participation of Russia, you have to talk to the enemy." And then, representatives of the U.S. Homeland Security: "Ukraine has said that this war must end with negotiation, so that includes talking to Russia."

It is not clear, however, that there will be more meetings. The document signed in Switzerland does not set deadlines. According to May, at that meeting Ukraine hoped that the place of the next meeting would be set and that it would be between the cities of Jidda – Saudi Arabia –, Copenhagen – Denmark –, Malta or Davos – Switzerland. But no one has taken steps, and the situation is now dyed by uncertainty.

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