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Ukraine’s Azov Fascist Battalion Begins Recruiting Tour in Europe

  • The intention of the fascists is to make the group known, raise funds for war and recruit soldiers for the cause. The stops to be made include Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

11 September 2024 - 08:15

The Azov Fascist Battalion of Ukraine is touring Europe with total impunity, as the European Union does not intervene only through military financing in the war in Ukraine. Battle Group of the Azov Battalion (Attack 3 of the Ukrainian Army) The Decoupled Brigade is a campaign in which several members participate under the motto You can also join. This is what the invitation to a tour conference says: "Come and meet the real fighters of the battles of the Bajmut region, Avdiivka and Kharkov."

The Ukrainian fascists began the campaign on 21 July, with the intention of crossing several countries in Europe. The objectives are clear: to propaganda for the fascists and to publicize the Azov Battalion, to continue to obtain funding for the war against Russia and to recruit soldiers for the war.

During the tour, the fascists have arranged several stops. Berlin (Germany), Hamburg (Germany), Warsaw (Poland), Wroclaw (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic), Vilnius (Lithuania), Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium), among others, were the countries that prepared this campaign.

In search of international expansion

In Berlin, for example, the fascists offered a conference to get to know "the most epic stories of the front" in exchange for EUR 20, and also in Hamburg in exchange for EUR 15. According to the Azov Battalion, it is "crucial that we meet people from other places." Those who do not join the Ukrainian war have been called upon to do other work at the international level, such as organizing "local initiatives" in Ukraine.

The Nazis have drawn attention to the work of enlargement, with a warning: Our people are everywhere. In the German city of Magdeburg, for example, the Centuria organization of Ukraine has its own branch. 3 Ukrainian Army Attack The Separate Brigade includes the military branch of Centuria.

Symbol of fascism

The well-known fascist Andrij Bilezkij leads the above-mentioned fighting unit, number 3 of the Ukrainian Army offensive. Separate Brigade. This group has frequently and proudly been presented as an heir to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which has been rejected by the Ukrainian opposition. The UPA was a military branch of the Ukrainian Nationalist Organization (OUN), and side by side with fascism during the war against the Soviet Union and the Holocaust.

This unit of the Azov Battalion exalts the fascist heroes and symbols of Nazi Germany. His symbolism is based on symbols of the German fascist forces Waffen-SS.

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