The precariousness of the Atlantic Pyrenees has established an orange flood alert. It explains that the accumulation of rains has fluctuated between 30 and 60 millimeters in the last twelve hours. Prefetura adds that throughout the day the rain will not stop, so in the Lapurdi area there may be an accumulation of rains between 70 and 100 millimetres.
The prefetura has spread some advice from social networks: to move away from the waterways and the lower areas, to reach a high point or to protect oneself above. Do not invade, even partially, the submerged tracks. Avoid displacement, keep them informed and watch water rise. Don't get down to basements. Remove personal objects from the water and locate the emergency equipment.
Furthermore, the precariousness of the Atlantic Pyrenees has highlighted the possibility that, in addition to the problems of rain on the roads, there will be electricity cuts.
The disaster caused by the cold drop in Valencia has left us dramatic images, both because of the immediate consequences it has had, and because the future awaiting us has brought us forward: that this type of extreme climate phenomena will be increasingly numerous and serious... [+]
In recent weeks it has not been possible for those of us who work in architecture that the climate phenomenon of Valencia has not been translated into our work discourse. Because we need to think about and design the path of water in decks, sewers, plazas and building parks. We... [+]
25 October. The Valencian Meteorology Society has announced that next week a cold drop from high temperatures could cause torrential rains in Valencia. Day by day, the forecasts are confirmed, and on 29 October, in the early morning hours, the State Meteorology Agency has... [+]
Many Basques await the arrival of sunny summer days. “It’s not common for this time to be done in May,” some say, “earlier it was,” others. The people of Lazkao and Maule do not know how to blame climate change and what not, but they have surprised the heavy spring... [+]
Uretako babes indibidual eta kolektiborako material “egokia” eskatu dute, bestela gaueko esku-hartzeetan segurtasuna “arriskuan” baitago. ELA sindikatuak ohartarazi du 2017an ere zuzendaritzan salatu zutela egoera bera, baina ez dela irtenbiderik eman.
Eurite iraunkorrengatik alerta laranjan daude Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia eta Araban, baita Nafarroa iparraldean ere. Hainbat tokitan ibaiek gainezka egin dute Euskal Herri osoan eta luiziek trabak eragin dituzte garraiobideetan.
Bi herritar hil dira azken egunotako euriteek eragin uholdeen ondorioz. Bata Sunbillako emakume bat luizi batek harrapatuta, eta bestea, Elizondokoa, Lesakara bidean zela desagertu eta Bidasoa ibaian aurkitu zuten hilotz. Kalte materialak leku ugaritan eragin ditu, izan Lapurdin... [+]
Eurite iraunkorrengatik alerta laranjan daude Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia eta Araban, baita Nafarroa iparraldean ere. Eusko Jaurlaritzaren krisi-mahaia arratsaldean bildu da ibai arroen uraren emariaren gorakadaren ondorioz hartu beharreko neurriak aztertzeko. Hainbat tokitan ibaiek... [+]