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A Autumn Shot in Donostia

23 September 2024 - 06:00
Last updated: 13:17
Patricia López Arnaiz, 'Los destellos' filmeko protagonista, atzo Donostiako Zinemaldian, aurkezpenaren ondoren Jorge Fuembuena - Zinemaldia

On Sundays in the morning at Zinemaldia, they do not fail, except in the early morning when the rain has not stopped. And it was given, but the forecasts have not been met, for the umpteenth time, this September.

The early hours like yesterday's do not fail, because two meters away – physical – you can find a couple kissing, as if with dawn the world is over, hitting and burning at full speed; and another couple, one in front and one in the back, the one before four legs... In his nausea, he kept to the most hidden vientres. At a distance, emotionally, at what distance are the two couples, it is... But at the same time, the four are giving everything, from the depths of their being. And the same girl who cries out loud because she's lost her cell phone ... Then say that poetry is not on the street, that it has become a place that no longer exists and...

Well, that's how the city got in the fall, like in a movie. And in the category. Because there was little merit to go to see the French film Quand vient l'automne (when autumn comes) on Sunday morning at 08:30, and to quite fill the large room of Kursaal. Expectations were not bad in themselves. But “I didn’t expect it so much” has confessed one of the viewers who weighed eight pounds in his eyes at the end of the film. Well, it wasn't that slow ... But there was a little bit of product to take over to the cycling stages. Maybe the time wasn't the most appropriate, you know. At the end of the film I had this general feeling: it was expected much more from the hand of the French filmmaker François Ozon – a reminder that won the Golden Shell in 2012 by Dans la maison. The idea of the film was very interesting, but it has not been able to project it, in my opinion.

An occurrence, or perhaps it is no longer necessary. In fact, among so many people, perhaps, there was some programmer of the Basque television channel in Spanish. And if there was no one, take note: it's a movie you can give a weekend. Sad, in open field, rainy, with lots of yarn tips and confusing, nothing bright if kept on guard... That's the French style you've given so many times. It's not a bad movie, and that's it, but it's humble. Without profound arguments: the protagonist is a woman of age, living in the countryside, who has a complicated relationship with her daughter and who in her life takes more weight than her, her family. Having addressed the latter and the relationship and fraternity between two elderly women are two of the contents highlighted. Furthermore, the Official Section competition has fallen short.

'Quand vient l'automne', French film so far mentioned.

But be careful about: Flashes. It is very strong in the Official Section and if with the good press it goes up, I, like you, would buy the shares of the Kleenex company.

It could be otherwise -- but it couldn't be. The film is based on the first narrative of the book Bihotz handiegia, by Eider Rodríguez, and is a world story. Here’s a quick summary: Isabel (Patricia López Arnaiz) and Ramón (Antonio de la Torre) divorced years ago, you can imagine that the end of the relationship was conflictive, the contact they lost, but, convinced by Madalen's daughter, Isabel takes a step forward and takes care of her former husband. There are no spoilers: Ramón is going to die and a lot of the drama is going to be that and his background, but the style of counting matters here.

It is a slow film, that has been the decision of the director Pilar Palomero, and it has been worth it, because it has used it to work on the issue of surveillance. He has used very short, rather dark blueprints, perhaps too much, but he has done very well by conveying emotions and positioning the viewer in Isabel's place, as if at all times, we are seeing almost from his own eyes.

The maternal love of her daughter leads her to take care of Isabel Ramón, and in what way Palomero has translated it in a meaningful way. It is also interesting to see the evolution of the relationship of the former couple, how they take the steps, forgetting the past at that moment, to address only the present. If Madalen's daughter was not there, so, forcefully, that approach would never have occurred, that is one of the main keys of the story. The narrative fragment of Eider Rodríguez has a large screen size projection and is comforting.

Let each make more reflections from next weekend, which will be screened in theaters from 4 October. Enjoy with the representations of these three fragments of actors, especially that of López Arnade and highlight that of the young Marina Guerola, who plays the role of Magdalena. Three good performances in one movie at the same price... Enjoy with a cut of 100 meters in Donostia-San Sebastian and with the same grams of coffee, which is worth twice as much. Well, we go in the fall and see if after the summer prices return to...

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