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What plans for summer?

  • It's July and I'm looking forward to the vacation that I need so much. I want to slow down this high-speed train, complete the cuts that have left me the stress of the course, and I want to distance myself from the uncertainty that has led me to the change in my work and my home.

16 July 2019 - 08:34
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The uproar started: What plan for the summer? Who will make the holiday with? Where are you going this year? " Also the inner noise: that I have taken a few kilos; that I am whiter than milk, hairy; that I do not have a round plan tied and well tied; that all my friends go with the partner; that I do not have enough money to go on vacation; that I have not found work for the summer… I am more tired of so much noise before the summer begins.

It's not a personal problem in governing the agenda. The system organizes our cycles and life times very well. Throughout the course we adapt at least eight hours for employment, if there is no more, eight hours for sleep and eight hours for leisure, in short, to “consume”. In theory, this is the structure, although in care tasks, precarious jobs, this proposal of times is not real, and many women* that we are jugglers of time. And in summer more time for leisure, but about two weeks without going by! Take some energy and continue! Even though we have naturalized it, clock time is a cultural building created according to the labor market. Production time does not take into account other tempus, that of processes, care, affective relationships, that is, life. We continue to keep that life private, hidden, keeping it and enjoying it, out of the official time.

Consumer-oriented tourism has become an illusion for the rest that we earnestly desire, for the vicious circle to keep turning, one more piece. The social class will mark whether we are going to make holidays, whether we are going to make a dream trip of fantasy and intention, or whether we are going to have the opportunity to make a “romantic getaway”. In these holidays without borders we will have plenty of tourist apartments available to visitors; you will be able to buy different apps to know the restaurants and the most prized visits of the area; all without taking into account the living and working conditions of its inhabitants. As a result, towns and cities are being masked, corners are being squandered, people’s lives are being precarious and the environment is being polluted.

The tourism game is being run by companies that serve the political and economic elites. Women*, young women, migrated people… we are an invisible working class, we are behind those white, joyful, heteronormative faces of the upper class that we see in the holiday announcements. We are the kellyas of the hotels, or the uncontracted tabernacles, the cleaners, the waiters, the caregivers of children or adults, the principal responsible for this exploitation.

This “perfect summer” is a great violence against women’s bodies*. This assignment of being desirable to women* leads us to have very demanding fees, especially in summer. Our bodies and our lives don't care about anything. How many times have we seen dozens of women's sexualized bodies in tourist business ads? How many times have we become sexual objects?How many diets, UVA rays, operation bikinis, hair removal laser and sexy summer models have made us swallow? How many times have we been led to believe that we can accept one body? These unreal, dichotomous patterns are violence against our bodies. To sell, to consume, to seize, to dominate: that is the logic of the capitalist heteropatriarchy. So tourism too.

What plan? It may break the clock between friends, between family members or in solitude and replace leisure for life; or it may break high speed and make me relax in my house or my people, without having to flee anywhere. Perhaps if I go outside my village, I will look with other eyes around me, to those who live and work in it. I will reflect on the influence of my presence and try to diminish it, seeing what was experienced in my skin in others, making me aware of our contradiction. Thus, in September, we will sew the binacles, times and experiences between us and we will be a step closer to stopping the machinery that forces us to consume products of happiness.

Amaia Zufia, member of Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminist

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