Two people have been wounded and three have been arrested by the municipal police in Barakaldo (Bizkaia). The City Hall Security Department reports that on Thursday at 08:30 hours the shooting took place under the Rontegi Bridge. The agents went to empty the tunnel and cover a hole used by several people living in the street. Two people were injured after the shot and one of them is serious at Cruces Hospital. According to El Correo, a seriously injured person received three impacts: head, chest and shoulder. The Ertzaintza investigates what happened.
According to EITB, when they went to evict the area there were several people with “white weapons”. The Citizen Security Councilor of Barakaldo, Ángel Madrazo, assured Tele7 that the officers of the Municipal Guard were “in ordinary activity” and that the agents acted “correctly and correctly”. He adds that the shots “always” are due to an attack and that in this case they were shot that way.
In Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa all Municipal Police officers must have the same equipment, among others: firearm, ammunition, shackles, short or elongating blades, whistle, bulletproof vest and black gloves.
Euskal Herrian Euskarazen arabera, Tolosako tren geltokiko segurtasun agente batek eraso egin zion militante bati, agenteari euskaraz hitz egiteko eskatu ziolako. Tolosako alkateak "kezka" adierazi du eta azalpenak eskatuko dituela jakinarazi.
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Martxoaren 3ko Memoriala hornitzeko erabiliko dira bildutako objektuak. Ekimena ahalik eta jende gehienarengana iristeko asmoz, jardunaldiak antolatuko ditu Martxoak 3 elkarteak Gasteizko auzoetan.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, zortzi bat ordu eman zituen ziegako zoruan etzanda Ertzaintzak ospitalera eraman aurretik. Segurtasun sailburu Bingen Zupiriak berak eskatu du Eusko Legebiltzarrean agerraldia egitea.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.