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Aranzadi made it clear that the memory pages of the municipalities were carried out with the "consensus of all parties"

  • The councillor of the PSE-EE of Galdakao has responded to the complaint made by Javi Buces, member of Arazandi and founder of the municipal website to receive the memory of proximity. He says that it is "clear" the separation of victims suffering from different sufferings and that he has already explained to the councillor himself.

13 April 2023 - 10:02
Last updated: 15:30

Javi Buces, a member of Aranzadi, has placed on the threshold of the elections the controversy raised following the complaint of the councillor of the PSE-EE of Galdakao by the Aranzadi website to collect the historical memory and the memory of proximity of several municipalities.

As explained to Naiz Irratia, the website was held in Galdakao after obtaining the "consensus of all parties", at the request of the city council to Aranzadi, as well as other municipalities with similar websites such as Hernani, Azpeitia and Tolosa. Thus, in the Socialist Party Buces has now detected a "change of position".

The explanation by the PSE-EE councillor of those who have made "ETA terrorism" with the victims of ETA is "an insult and humiliation".

"They knew the methodology used by Aranzadi. It's a classification that comes from a long time, not invented by Aranzadi. It was created in 2014 among different associations and organizations and to achieve a basic consensus this classification is used," he explains.

According to Buces, the web "clearly" distinguishes victims of human rights violations from victims of other suffering. The methodology used by Aranzadi takes into account what international law says about truth, justice and reparation, and he personally explained it to the socialist councillor when he contacted one month ago, according to Buces. He is surprised at the bustle that has emerged now.

"We have not changed our methodology, but it is possible to change it if there is a deep debate. However, so far there has been no obstacle." After the elections, Buces hopes that the environment will calm down and work again, because it is a tool that "has worked very well" in many municipalities.


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