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There are municipalities that have decided to maintain public colonies

  • The City of Oñati has decided not to close the summer colonies and those of Donostia-San Sebastián and Pasaia will reopen after reviewing the situation. “Child welfare is the basic premise.”

22 July 2020 - 17:09

Why close child colonies by maintaining the strictest measures and protocols? The mayor of Oñati says that they have created safe spaces for children to play and socialize, and that they are an important service of care and conciliation. Population data regarding the coronavirus are not worrisome and if they were, "we should not only assess the closure of the colonies, but also whether more services should be shut down".

The City of Pasaia closed last Monday the summer colonies, following the request of the Basque Government, but they have reviewed the situation and decided to reopen it on Thursday, seeing that the colonies “are more necessary than ever”. In addition, the strict measures being carried out in the summer camps of the CAPV (taking of temperature, disinfection, face mask, small groups, cleaning of facilities, not leaving the village…) allow the service. In Donostia-San Sebastián they thought the same thing: On Wednesday, the City Council launched a summer colony program in Basque, called "Basque holidays".

Precisely, the private colonies have not closed their doors, at least the majority; what logic does it have to leave some children without colonies and others not?

Children discriminated against

On Monday we criticised the government’s order, although the bars and terraces (also the workplaces, shops, tourist centres…), which have been epicenters of numerous outbreaks, will remain open, as the decision to close the colonies is discriminatory. In addition, the alternative does not seem much better, as many children who have run out of colonies will now spend hours with their grandmothers and grandparents, precisely with people who are in danger, and often in areas less safe than summer camps (playgrounds, beach…).

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