The Montai group was headed by an EAJ-PNV position in Gipuzkoa, Aitor Elorza, and one of the companies in this group was the Tapa La Carpa. The Institute of Memory is also an institution of the Presidency of the Basque Government.
According to reports, following the instructions of this institute, the mayor of Arrasate, María Ubarretxena, formalized a direct award, without competition, with the company Ezkutua La Karpa. As a result, the City Council paid 15,500€ (18,755€ VAT included) for the exhibition tent service.
At that time, Tapa La Carpa had no staff or resources. The tent was truly supplied by an Asturian company called Langreana de Carpas.
In 2016, Arrasate and seven other municipalities hosted the travelling exhibition Plaza de la Memoria. This exhibition was organized by the Gogora Institute, the body of the Presidency of the Basque Government, led by Aintzane Ezenarro.
Since then, the Montai Group has received a total of 68 awards, for a total amount of € 700,000, of which 63 were awarded by finger.
The municipalities that hired La Carpa in Azala were seven, that is, the eight municipalities that were a travelling exhibition: Bilbao, Vitoria, San Sebastian, Eibar, Durango, Arrasate, Zarautz and Tolosa.
The opposition of the Arrasate City Hall has recently announced the opening of the procurement file of the Arrasate City Hall, for which the procurement of the Carpa Ezkutua was awarded. According to this document, the procurement was launched one week after the closure of the exhibition. The reason is that, as explained by the municipal secretary, the Municipal Government "had agreed" with Gogora that the City Hall would assume the expenses of renting the tarpaulin of the exhibition. The most striking point in the document is that the hiring of a particular company was agreed. “The management of the company’s hiring was assumed by Gogora,” the document explains.
Accordingly, on December 15, 2016, the Municipal Government agreed “unanimously” the “acceptance of the invoice submitted” by Azala La Carpa. At that time, contracts of less than €18,000 (including VAT) could be formalised directly.
Gogora paid €3,509 to Azala La Carpa for hiring counterweights that fastened the tent for Arrasate exhibition, with a direct contract. This type of contract would not have been legal if the two contracts had been made in a single contract. This system was used in all the 2016 ‘Plaza de la Memoria’ exhibitions.
The Montai Group has received a total of 377 awards from the Basque Government, only from the areas managed by EAJ-PNV. Of the total number of awards made between 2014 and 2019, 366 have been direct.
Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, recently appeared in the Basque Parliament to give explanations on this matter. The Arrasate Municipal Government has made a statement condemning the fire.
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