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Agents of the Old Party have denounced that the City Hall has closed gaztetxe Kijera: "He hasn't kept his word."

  • A fortnight of Old Party agents appeared on Saturday in the Plaza de la Constitución to account for the situation of Gaztetxe Kijera in Donostia. As they denounced there, the City Hall has broken the word given to the neighborhood’s work desk and closed the Kaialde building “frustrating” the agreement reached in recent months for the signing of a transfer agreement.

03 March 2020 - 09:33
Parte Zaharreko hamabost eragiletako kideek hartu zuten parte agerraldian. (Argazkia: Iñaki Agirre).

This situation is the result of a series of events that have taken place since December until today. At the end of the year, representatives of the neighborhood assembly asked the Municipal Government for a meeting with the aim of publicizing a problem that emerged in the gaztetxe Kijera and seeking among all a satisfactory solution. The meeting was held on 23 December and, according to the neighbours, both parties decided to leave the resolution of the problem before the City Hall.

That is why the agents of the Old Party left the gaztetxe key to the city council, which, once the problem was solved, undertook to return it: “We were assured that the members of the Gaztetxe could resume their usual dynamics and continue the process of analysis of the transfer of the Kaialde building.”

Since then, however, things have not happened as has been said. In fact, at a second meeting on 14 January, the neighbours explained that the position of the council has changed radically. The municipal government has decided to suspend the transfer of gaztetxe Kaialde and has denied the members of Gaztetxe Kijera the possibility of continuing in it, claiming that the building presents serious structural problems.

“The City Hall has not fulfilled its word”

According to the agents of the Old Party, the decision of the City Council “has frustrated the expectations generated” about the project of gaztetxe and believe that it has sent “to the fuck” the path undertaken through collaboration. Furthermore, they stressed that the City Council did not comply with its word, with the theme of the keys, or with the holding of a third meeting in February.

In fact, the technical report which allegedly justifies the closure of the building had to be presented last month to the neighbours, but they have made it clear that this meeting has not been held and that this report has not been seen: “Should we believe them?”

They want the transfer agreement to be signed

Stressing the Old Party’s “chronic” shortages of equipment, residents have pointed out that the gaztetxe Kijera responded “to its extent” to the needs of neighbours and neighbours, so they have once again put on the table the possibility of a transfer agreement: “We call on the Municipal Government to rectify the path that has been taken.”

To do so, they have asked the City Hall to comply with the agreement reached at the meeting on 23 December, allow Kijera to reopen and sign "as soon as possible" the transfer agreement that they were "about to remember".

Next, the list of applicant neighborhood agents: Karmengo Jaien Batzordea, Part Zaharrean Bizi auzo elkartea, Guardetxea, Herria Elkartea, Kresala Kultur Elkartea, AMPA Orixe Ikastola, Haurgune Gurasoak, Kijera Gaztetxea, Gazte Asanblada del Casco Viejo

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