The Municipal Government of Donostia-San Sebastian has today submitted the official request of the high-voltage zone in which they have been working for months on the designation of high-voltage zone: Lehendakari has asked the Basque Government to declare the city as "a space of great tension" in all its dimensions. With this appointment, the City Council aims to regulate rental prices for the usual dwelling. Above all, it seeks to avoid increases in rents that have increased in recent years, but in the City Hall they are clear that, in addition to the legislation, they will have to use other instruments to find a solution to the housing problem.
The mayor of Donostia-San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, and the councillor of Urbanism, Planning and Housing, Nekane Arzallus, have appeared to announce the request and explain the reasons for the appointment. The main criterion for declaring Donostia-San Sebastián as a High Tension Area has been the price of renting the city's homes. As he indicated, if the cost of renting and additional housing costs exceed 30 per cent of the income of each family, the appointment is in good condition. In the case of Donostia-San Sebastián this indicator is 31.6%.
In this sense, Goia explained that the municipality has tried, through legislation, to solve the complex housing problem. In any case, it has made it clear that the drive for social housing will be necessary to promote affordable rental: “Designation is a very simple solution. Let us not think that through this we will remedy the complex problem of housing”.
Limit for rentals
Councillor for Urban Planning and Housing, Nekane Arzallus, explained that the main conclusion will be to “regulate rental prices”. To this end, a division has been established between the small owners and the large owners, who have more than five owned homes. As for new contracts with small owners, they will have to keep the rental at the same price as in the last contract and will only be able to make a 10% increase provided they have a contract of more than ten years or carry out rehabilitation works in the house itself.
In the case of large owners of more than five dwellings, the rental amount shall be established by the Reference Price Index, regardless of whether the dwelling has been rented previously. This index will be set by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda, with the information provided by the Hacienda Foral. Arzallus has also stated that the housing situation and characteristics will be taken into account.
Immediate effects
The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián has been named a high-tension area since the spring of 2023. In recent months, Goia has ensured that "a great deal of work has been done", as the Council has approved that the necessary documents have been prepared by emergency. GOIA has stated that the housing market has changed since the City Hall has processed the accounts: “There has been a leap from long-term rentals to seasonal rentals.” This information has been corroborated by data from municipal technicians, who put the number of homes for rent at 2500 in 2022, while in 2023 they were 400 less.
With regard to short-term contracts, Goia pointed out that, if the use is long-term, it is "disappointing". From the City Hall, however, they will not carry out any follow-up, claiming their status as a civil contract: “It’s not up to us to do that inspection work, everyone has to report it if they are in such a situation.” Precisely, the Stop Evictions platform has created a guide to identify and report such cases.
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