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Presentation of the Summer Pedagogical Meetings

  • The pedagogical project Hik Hasi has held the press conference to present the Summer Pedagogical Meetings in 2024. The Dean of the School of Philosophy and Educational Anthropology of the UPV/EHU Beñat Amenábar and the Head of Education Hik Hasi Mikel Agirrezabala participated in the study.

08 May 2024 - 05:20
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Open the registration period for the Hik Hasi Summer Pedagogical Meetings: from May 2 to June 7. They will be held on 2, 3 and 4 July at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology of the UPV/EHU of Donostia.

During this year 21 varied and innovative courses organised by both entities will be chosen.

This year a special space will be organised to strengthen the meeting.


The dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Anthropology of the UPV, Ben?at Amenábar, has shown his satisfaction with the importance and satisfaction generated by the holding of the summer meetings of Hik Hasi in the SAME. “Hik Hasi is a very influential agent within the educational system of the Basque Country and for us the relationships we could establish with Hik Hasi are strategic. For us it's a pleasure, or it's more an honor, because through Hik Hasi our faculty is approaching the educational community. Beyond training, the meeting point for three days is news that we love to be our faculty.”

Faculty and students will also participate in this year’s meetings as donors and recipients, as UPV/EHU teachers offer various courses with Hik Hasi. “After these 24 years, we workers feel part of these meetings organized by Hik Hasi, because we feel our own. We will therefore be happy to welcome those who approach during those days.”

Mikel Agirrezabala Hik, head of Hasi training, is grateful for the collaboration and collaboration of the FPEIR and presents the courses this year. This year, 21 courses have been offered, all of them in Basque, which address very different themes, “related to the daily activity of the school and to the existing concerns, in order to give them an answer and complete the training of teachers,” Agirrezabala stressed. Hik Hasi is looking for diversity in the organization of courses, but for reasons other than Hik Hasi a less than expected course will be offered.

As for donors, they are experts and experts from the Basque Country who have been collaborating with Hik Hasi for years and who are educational referents. Among others: Alvaro Ben?aran psimotricist, Nerea Mendizabal expert in Nonviolent Communication, Ane Sofedo professor and expert in neurosis prevention, Patxi and Ane Eizagirre psychologists specialized in death, Marina Pintos yoga teacher and In?aki Eizmendi Technical essay on linguistic services. In terms of topics, neuroregeneration, digital and physical scape rooms, Universal Teaching Design IDU, Project Learning PBI, theatre techniques or manipulable mathematics will be addressed, among others.

Jakinmin, winner of the Joxe Mari Auzmendi Education Grant, will also offer a course. This is a basic training on the methodology of children's philosophy, aimed at promoting reflexive spirit and capacity through cooperative argued dialogue. Resources and expertise will be provided for this purpose.

We will strengthen the meeting point

This is the 24th edition, which Hik Hasi has been training thousands of professors from Euskal Herria in Basque for 24 years. But it's not just training, it's joining. For three days the classrooms and the exteriors of the UPV/EHU are filled with educators from all over the Basque Country, turning the pedagogical meetings of Hik Hasi into a meeting point.

This year Hik Hasi wants to strengthen this meeting and prepares a special space for it. In addition to conducting its own course, it will prepare a space to unite all. “One of our characteristics is to learn from each other, from networks and from territoriality, and that is what we are going to show in the space we are going to prepare,” Agirrezabala explains. “At the UPV/EHU we meet all those enrolled in the event of the opening of the meetings and then, once the event is over, each one goes to his course, to his classrooms. We meet again for lunch on the last day. This year we will all meet at once. It seems to us an opportunity and an opportunity to bring together teachers and educators from all over Euskal Herria, from all networks and from all educational stages, to realize that we form a community and to be aware of its strength and value”.

On the return of Hik Hasi, an extensive and motivated educational community moves, and that is the goal of the meeting. “We want to accommodate the Basque educational community, we want to give it space, we want to register. We want participants to sit as members of that community, to sit as members of the Hik Hasi project, to sit as rookies. We need the Hikhasis side by side to learn about their concerns and challenges, to prepare training to respond to their needs, to create magazines and content of interest and utility for them, and to establish relationships and networks among them.” During these three days of July, the forum will offer the possibility of shaping all these objectives. Together, it will be a meeting point to see, live and strengthen Hik Hasi’s educational community.

Registration Open registration period for courses until 7 June

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