It will be too late to teach Joe Biden, president of EE.UU, the first lesson in multiculturality and to warn him that when he calls someone “dictator,” perhaps whoever hears “duo zh?” do not take it into account. In order to do this, first of all, it must be made clear that there are other languages than English in the world, and then it must point out the contempt that this may cause in the semantics of political cultures.
But because it's an authority with strong responsibilities and nurtured advisory groups, at least someone -- for example, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who has to know better than anyone -- should suggest that you don't have to blame anyone -- that ignorance that he's demonstrating. Because, in relation to the famous balloon, it seems that Biden is convinced that the horror story that his administration uses for the home is blind. But that doesn't make the story a fact. And above all, it does not convince or humiliate the other who knows the truth perfectly. Maybe make him angry, yeah.
Because the key is in that: the link between the United States and China today is not a mere swing in American public/political opinion. Not much less. The other side is there, with its interest and vision. And it would be in Biden and his administration's interest to listen to their messages. Although the propaganda diet of self-consumption decreases.
The messages from this other party, when they're verbal, are very transparent. But other times they're actually omission, image and they require a little interpretation.
One of them was the lounge chosen by Chinese President Xi Jinping to meet Blinken. The Western media did not even take account of the issue or, generally, the one they considered to be curious. Also.
Among many others, in the Great Hall of the People of Beijing, each of the 34 territories of China has a room. Furniture is placed and removed as needed, but each has a decoration that distinguishes them. It was therefore easy to see that the meeting between Xi and Blink was held in the Fujian Hall, with the mural “Udaberria Wuyin” at the bottom of Xi.
To those of us who are a little bit intelligence deficient, any internet resource quickly makes it clear that Fujian is face-to-face in Taiwan. Moreover, formerly the island of Taiwan was within Fujian province. And between those two names, the history of that marine art is intertwined. So careless that Kinmen, Matsu and other islands that appear to be Taiwanese, are virtually attached to the coast of Fujian, now and always.
At this point, if Biden has not been read by any of his slaves, have you read the terrible explanations of the 1958 crisis that Daniel Ellsberg, recently deceased, has published, respectively? The rest, I'm sure.
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