We began to see in our environment the business models known as “shared economy,” “shared consumption,” or “platform capitalism.” To the detriment of decent working conditions and workers’ rights, the business model exported from the U.S. United States is increasingly present in the Basque capitals: Glovo, Airbnb… Now that it seems that they have adapted, another company of the same species has come from behind: Uber.
According to the statements of the City Council of Bilbao and the Basque Government, they were not aware of the arrival of Uber in the Basque capital. However, the company has confirmed that from this Thursday it will serve in and around Bilbao, as reported by the company.
Uber is a company that offers private transport services through an app called Uber X. The app allows a person to rent a car with driver, the same service as taxi drivers offer. Thus, the possible arrival of Uber has long worried the taxi sector in the Basque Country.
On the table of conflict, the Government of Spain approved in 2018 a law that established that VTC licenses (Driver Tourism Vehicles, translated into Basque with Driver Tourism Vehicles) should be regulated by autonomous communities and municipalities, as Uber works with those licenses. Bearing in mind that taxi drivers’ licenses are the responsibility of the same institutions, the key would be in their hands. The Spanish Government turned four years into a transitional period.
In September 2018, the City of Bilbao approved the ordinance for the taxi service. “In Bilbao, the taxi service is from one place to another. Another thing is that someone who arrives at the airport has other opportunities,” said the Councilor for Mobility and Sustainability of the City Council of Bilbao, Alfonso Gil.
In a few weeks, upon the arrival of Uber and the like, Goazen Bilbao requested a clear position from the City Hall of Bilbao. The City Council then proposed new intentions: to include in the taxi ordinance also VTC licensed vehicles.
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