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The Diputación de Álava opens files against Txosnas for not using Ticket Bai

  • So far this year, the Council of Álava has opened 64 files due to the lack of use of this billing system, among them some against "txosnas". The Vitoria-Gasteiz Txosnas Commission announced before the August festivities that it resigned the Ticket Bai and the Diputación threatened to impose fines.

11 September 2024 - 15:36
Last updated: 2024-09-12 12:47

The Deputy General of Álava, Ramiro González, has reported that the Representative has opened proceedings against 64 companies or individuals from the beginning of the year to the present day. The deadline for appeals is open, he explained, although he did not specify when the decisions to be taken against the reform will be known. Gonzalez has not specified how many and what the txosnas are dispatched and has qualified that the very concept of txosnas is “quite broad”. If sanctioned, the law provides for a fine of 20% of revenue or at least a fine of EUR 20,000.

Private business or herrigintza?

The Vitoria-Gasteiz Txosnas Commission denounced last July that the txosnas were "at risk" because the Council wanted to impose the Ticket Bai system and called for dialogue. Without agreement, the committee finally decided to install the txosnas, but without establishing Ticket Bai. The Deputy General, Gónzalez, said that the txosnas should comply with the law as any other business, and that in the txosnas there will be inspectors. The Commission considers that txosnas should be "exempt" from the Ticket Bai system because of their "nature" and "living conditions".

"Our performance is non-profit and with social translation. We organize popular and self-managed, participatory and open parties to the whole of society. There is no one here who makes money, all the work we do is voluntary. We do so because we want to make a voluntary contribution to the citizenship of Vitoria-Gasteiz. That is why we do not understand (and nobody understands it) the equation with the private company when it comes to demanding Ticket Bai. We rely on the auzolan, not on making money," the txosnas explained before the Vitoria-Gasteiz festivities. They denounced that "aggression" is "the opposite" of the popular movement throughout the Basque Country and claimed the need to respond to it.

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