The presentation will take place in the Bira cultural center (19:00 hours) and the public will be able to listen to the audio recorded testimonies of the Basque dam Itziar Moreno and of the prisoner himself Santi Cobos.
As on Thursday, Olabarria will take the opportunity to talk about the prison system and the culture of punishment, with the help of a number of fellow officers. On 27 April Txori Urdin will present in Pamplona with Idoia Arraiza, member of the feminist association Emagin; on 20 May he will be in Ortzaize accompanied by former IK leader Filipe Bidart; and on 26 in Baiona with Lorentxa Beyre dam.
The book is available on the ARGIA website. On the other hand, if someone is interested in organizing a presentation of the book Txori urdinak in their village, they have to contact us only (943371545).
Video of the show in Vitoria, recorded by Hala Bedi:
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