However, for me, Txillardegi’s main work is the creation of the unified Basque, which begins in the north. But he had that goal ahead, from his presence in San Sebastian. He wrote twice to Euskaltziandia. For the time being, however, Euskaltzaindia was not willing to accept such innovations.
As a result, in 1963, Txillardegi resigned from Hazparnet's intern with Piarres Xarriton/Charritton, but the head of Euskatzain did not accept his resignations. There Txillardegi really began the road to the Basque batua.
From the fall of 1963 to the summer of 1964, for eight months, a group of Euskaltzales met weekly around Txillardegi, to fix the first gap on the unified Basque Country, on Cordelie Street, 14, on the first floor, in the classroom prepared by Enbata to the Basque Secretariat. I will first say what the Basque Secretariat was. This cultural association was founded by young Euskaltzales from both sides of the border in the early sixties, in the service of the Basque Country.
Therefore, at and under the headquarters of the Basque Secretariat, eight people collaborated regularly around Txillardegi: Four from Hegoalde and four from Iparralde. To do so, on 29 and 30 August 1964, a Baiona Congress, chaired by Lafitte, was held in the same place with forty young Euskaltzales from both sides of the border.
It approved the first measures on the unified Basque: the graphics, the decline and the four needs of the two auxiliary verbs, as well as a small basic dictionary of words with the letter H.
After the Baiona Congress, we transferred the proposals to Euskaltzaindia through the priest Piarres Lafitte, and most, in the summer of 1968, adopted them at the Congress of Arantzazu, although Txillardegi could not come because of the political situation. The report was adopted almost in its entirety, especially thanks to the great shadow of Koldo Mitxelena. Then it marked our trajectory, but always recognizing what we owe to Txillardegi. Yes, it is: Txillardegi is the father of the Basque Country batua, although then Mitxelena was his godfather, the sun, the godfather. The unified Basque country continues to grow as any living being. Not even the bell tower stopped at that first step, it continued its path to the head.
We know that a father doesn't do the whole child, he starts and then it's up to the mother to do the long work, but the father really always comes with him. We owe Txillardegi the two: the first vine, without which there are no children, and then, with her work, brought the critical grain to the mother Euskatzaindia, although the marriage between the two was scarce in 1980.
Now that they've passed, except me, there are other colleagues at the Academy and they rush to pay the debt we have to Txillardegi. I believe that the other Basque public institutions and entities should take the same step. That is the case!
This post was posted by Zu Zeuk and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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