Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Hundreds of institutions and MEPs call on the European Union to make patents null and void

  • The Community Executive has called on the EU to promote this possibility at the meeting of the World Trade Organisation. Most countries in the world have applied for the temporary suspension of COVID-19 vaccine patents. Two weeks ago, 175 Nobel laureates and former heads of government joined the campaign.

27 April 2021 - 14:15

The request was made by 388 MEPs, as well as by parliamentarians from European states and 34 international organisations linked to the euro. The European Union has called at the World Trade Organisation meeting on 30 April for the temporary suspension of COVID-19 vaccine patents.

"The most effective and real option we have at the moment is to suspend patents," he added. We cannot continue to lose people’s lives for defending the interests of companies; governments are obliged to defend people and save lives. That is what we are asking the EU and the states today," said Vanessa López, director of the Osasuna Eskubidez association, one of the signatory organisations. It should be recalled that Western vaccine production companies received aid of millions of euros for vaccine research.

Support for the proposal by India and South Africa

Repeal of temporary patents and share knowledge during October between India and South Africa. The proposal has been collecting points of support since then. Two weeks ago, 175 Nobel laureates and former heads of government from all over the world joined the claim, and 103 of the 162 countries that make up the World Trade Organization did so in the same way.

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