Chernobyl, which has been raining since Monday, has caused the risk of fires to fall. For ten days, some 500 workers have tried to extinguish the flames, and finally, rain and wind have been the protagonists of the day. The Ukrainian Government has assured us that there is no real risk, that during the weekend firefighters made firewalls and that the radiation in Kiev, 100 kilometres from the plant, does not exceed that allowed.
On 14 April, Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelenski and the authorities of the Ukrainian emergency services met. Their head, Mykola Txetxkin, has stated that they have extinguished the fire and are carrying out the latest work in a 30 km area around the plant.
They accuse the Government of lying
The 1986 nuclear disaster was the subject of strong criticism by the USSR Government in concealing what happened. 34 years later, the management of developments around the same plant in another State has received similar criticism. Yaroslav Yemelyaneko, member of the council responsible for monitoring the environment of the plant, has used "mating as the 1986 nuclear disaster". He said that the situation is critical and that the Government is lying.
The government has said that 3,000 hectares have been burned, but environmental groups have denounced that the figure is much higher than 20,000, according to Greenpeace. The Russian delegation of the environmental NGO has considered the situation to be worrying, as the fire is close to the plant. However, he pointed out that the safety distance is still maintained. However, Greenpeace has indicated that there are still areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia that are heavily contaminated. “The greatest danger lies with those who are fighting the fire or those who are close to it,” he said.
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