Some of the data used to analyse employment trends over the summer have been published. Data always showing photographs that are carried out according to the classifications established by the Capital. And they've taught us their regular photo. So, the old ones. However, and if we are going to be more demanding, we are going to say the bad.
Unemployment has increased in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa; the usual thing is that summer contracts are over. But the industry has risen the most, and that's not a good sign. The Basque Government has immediately denied that we are facing a trend, but few deny that the price of energy will harm the industry.
In Navarre unemployment has fallen, but social security has lost members, so the number of contract workers has decreased. As for recruitment, three out of four are temporary. There are those who see improvements in this information, but we must not forget that the contract without concrete limitations derived from the Spanish labor reform does not guarantee stability or quality.
Where's the news? These are the first data on this labour reform. And in that job market that they demonstrate, we're going to face up to what's on top of the workers.
There is no room for further labour reform, there was opportunity and they did not. The layoffs didn't get louder, they didn't get locked. They are simple and cheap, both individual and collective. The negotiating capacity of the workers was not strengthened. No steps were taken to ensure that legislation was the protection wall that workers need.
Once again, if there are walls, it will be because the workers will build it. Therefore, you have to fill a pant in the new course of work.
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