The news was known on Tuesday. One company intends to install a betting house in the center of the Txantrea, on Avenida de Villava, next to the World Park. In addition, the chosen place, of great prestige and history in the neighborhood, where the old store Cycles Larequi was located. The Association of Neighbors TX Bizi, Txantrean Auzolan and Arga have convened a neighborhood assembly in this ostrial, at 19:30 in the afternoon, to inform the residents of the Txantrea of the situation, share information and decide how they will paralyze the establishment of the betting house.
Indarrean sartu da Eusko Jaurlaritzak eginiko jokoaren lege berria EAEn. Aurrerantzean, apustu etxeek ikastetxeetatik gutxienez 150 metrora egon beharko dute, eta bi joko aretoren artean 500 metroko distantzia errespetatu beharko dute.