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Navarra Suma opposes school books of the Txanela and Eki projects

  • The coalition formed by UPN, pp and Caregivers has denounced that the coalition shows a "distorted" reality in Navarra. The Federation of Ikastolas of Iparralde has condemned the appearance of the members of the eta.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

20 September 2021 - 08:51
Last updated: 10:54
Iñaki Iriarte agerraldian. Argazkia:

“We don’t want to hunt witches. But…” Iñaki Iriarte, who summed up the reason for today’s press conference (17 September), the trio on the right, has ended. Iriarte has shown on a screen the maps, images and texts that appear in the textbooks of the Txanela eta Ekia projects that are used in public schools and in the ikastolas of Navarra.


Among them is the comic book Amets urratua, by Joseba Asiron, spokesperson for EH Bildu in the City Hall of Pamplona/Iruña. Children and young people show the distorted reality of Navarra. The lawsuit has been referred to the Department of Education and the PSN, requesting that they take measures to prevent the use of textbooks.

The president of Ikastolen Elkartea, Koldo Tellitu, has condemned the intention of the hearing, through social media. In this respect, he pointed out that attacks are repeated cyclically.


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