Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

No rotation system: patients are required to follow their usual doctor in rural Alavesa

  • To denounce the "sinking" and "deterioration" of the Alavese rural health service, health professionals have obtained almost 60,000 signatures. Trade unions call for a strike on 27 April.
Arabako landa eremuko osasun langileek eta herritarrek egindako manifestazioa, Gasteizen. (Argazkia: LAB sindikatua)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

All patients know their reference doctors and nurses and have a "direct and fast" relationship with them, according to the staff of Osakidetza from the rural villages of Álava. "This reference between workers and patients is essential for the development of quality primary care. And it must remain that way."

The workers themselves have denounced that Osakidetza, in collaboration with the OSIs of Álava, is proposing a rotation system according to the needs arising for the professionals of the same group to travel on an outpatient basis. In other words, they point out that the offices will be rotated. Workers consider it a "clear attack" on health care: "This situation would mean removing the relationship between patients and the reference health staff. It will seriously harm the quality of care, in addition to infringing the rights of rural workers".

Almost 60,000 signatures have already been gathered between employees and platform members via the portal

According to the LAB trade union, Osakidetza continues with the intention of neglecting rural villages or with the roadmap, leaving the workers aside. ELA, for its part, stresses that Osakidetza has been engaged for 25 years in partial contracts for continuous care on weekends in the rural area of Alavesa, in addition to temporary contracts. They called for the protest on 27 April, together with the trade unions SATSE, SME, ESK, UGT, CCOO and SAE.

Mosaic to precipitate the protest called on 22 April

Members of the platform Salud Pública Aurrera have denounced that the situation of Public Health is "chaotic" this weekend in the plaza de la Virgen Blanca de Vitoria. Thus, the Bedi radio has received the following statements: "Fundamental primary care in disease prevention does not have enough professionals, and in some neighborhoods and villages it does not exist. We have professionals who perform tasks that do not correspond to them and that have too many patients, which means that patients cannot access face-to-face care, generating disappointment".

Thus, it has been called upon to participate in the demonstrations to be held on 22 April in the three capitals of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.


You are interested in the channel: Osakidetza
Adin txikikoak dira Osakidetzako genero identitateko unitatetik pasa diren erdiak

1.075 pertsona artatu ditu Barakaldoko ospitaleko genero-identitateko unitateak, 2016ean unitate hori martxan jarri zenetik. Erdiak baino gehiagok adin-nagusitasuna bete aurretik jaso zuen lehen arreta. Eta, kopuru osoaren herenak hamasei urte baino gutxiago zituen.

Materialismo histerikoa

Ikasturte osoan inork aipatu ez dituen kontuetan aritu ondoren, aktualitatearen erdigunera eraman nau, ustez, pneumonia batek, nola definitu ez dakidan hartuemana izan baitut Osakidetzarekin. Eta lehen deitik, ai ene, esperimentu batean egotearen sentsazio zirraragarria,... [+]

The midwives of Bizkaia will strike on 1 July to denounce the summer cuts of Osakidetza
The Euskadi Nursing Union, Satse, has called for a strike and accused Osakidetza of not taking measures to alleviate the workload resulting from the cuts.

Absolves the worker who, after being dismissed by Osakidetza, was charged with drilling two wheels in an ambulance
Judge Bilbaíno has stated that "there is not enough evidence" to show that the worker committed this crime and that "there are no witnesses" to prove this. The company that has awarded the ambulance service has reported more than 300 cases of sabotage of this kind.

The request for the centres to have a nurse comes to the Government
The response to accidents and emergencies and the care of students with chronic diseases would be, among others, the functions that the nurse would have in the school, which today is mostly in charge of the faculty. The association of nurses SATSE has claimed the presence of a... [+]

ELA, LAB and CCOO criticize that Osakidetza's only solution is to extend working hours
Trade unions reject Osakidetza’s professionals paying through overtime instead of forming an appropriate workforce. They denounce the lack of management planning in the face of the problems that have been repeated in recent years.

Summer reductions in one-third of Osakidetza primary care facilities
Ten centers will close all summer and 72 will advance the closing time. Trade unions complain that the workload of workers will be "increased".  

The government will force Osakidetza to study more diseases in the neonatal heel test
The Government of Spain has given the Government its colours: when Osakidetza has announced that the heel test will allow newborns to detect 14 diseases, it must observe at least 22, by order of Madrid. Navarra already has 30 diseases.

The neonatal heel test will henceforth look for 14 diseases in the CAPV, far from the 50 diseases that can be detected
Public health studies various diseases by puncturing the heel of the newborn. Osakidetza has just increased to 14 the number of diseases studied, but the CAPV is located in rear positions in comparison to other territories: in Navarra 28 diseases are studied, in Galicia 33, in... [+]

Information notice of children and adolescents at the Mental Health Network of Gipuzkoa in Osakidetza

This notice is subscribed to by children and adolescents from the Mental Health Network of Gipuzkoa in Osakidetza, composed of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists of children and adolescents, nurses specialized in Mental Health, Social Workers and occupational therapists. The... [+]

The creation of 1,431 jobs will not increase the Osakidetza workforce, as reported by the ELA and ESK unions.
ELA and ESK say that the places announced by the Basque Government in Osakidetza will be to formalise the temporary posts.

Need to strengthen primary care and working conditions
The Basque Government will allocate EUR 277 million to the expansion of hospitals and the ESK union has considered the decision to be “inadequate”.

EAEn azpikontratatutako osasun-garraioaren greba mugagabea hasi da

Astelehenean, otsailaren 19an, EAEko anbulantzietako langileek greba mugagabeari ekin diote.

In search of the spark for the development of sustainable food systems in Basque hospitals
Public procurement is a valuable tool for the innovation policy of public institutions. Public purchasing of sustainable food has the capacity to modify current production and consumption patterns. Hospitals are also critical. Renascence reflects on the challenges needed for the... [+]

ESK denounces the "demolition" of the emergency service of the Hospital Santiago de Vitoria-Gasteiz by the reduction in staff
He denounces the elimination of eight nurses and two nursing auxiliaries from the service. He stresses that these emergencies are attended by particularly vulnerable citizens and calls on the authorities to “stop treating people as mere numbers”.

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