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They organize October against Turistification by a habitable city

  • On International Tourism Day last Friday, the Bizilagunak platform (Bizilagunak) presented the October project against Turistification.

30 September 2024 - 12:30
Joseba Parron San Sebastian / Irutxulo

As I did last year, the platform for tourism growth with the neighbours of Donostia-San Sebastián has announced the October Against Tourism Programme on International Tourism Day. Precisely, “to continue joining forces in favor of tourism growth through reflection, humor, debate and demand”, they have organized numerous activities: “It’s time to put a stop to people who are enriching themselves with the turistification and are causing damage to the Donostian society. Only the organisation and fight of the public can bring about a change in the city model before it is too late. We call on the Donostiarras to participate in the October Against Turistification.” The programme is as follows:

Wednesday, 9 October: How does the San Sebastian tourist destination affect us? workshop with university students. At 17:30 at the HEFA Faculty of the Ibaeta campus.

Thursday, 17 October: Guided tour from Sarriegi Square (18:30):Know the new customs of Donostia.

Saturday, 19 October: Bus, visit and demonstration, Guggenheim Urdaibai Stop! Under the motto '. At 12:00, opposite the Hotel Maria Cristina.

Wednesday, 23 October: Is the destination also in Intxaurrondo? at 19:00, at the venue of the Plazara Goaz association, in Bernart Etxepare Square.

Sunday, 27 October: At 12:00, demonstration from Alderdi Eder, to the tourist growth of Donostia! Under the motto '.

Around International Tourism Day, they have denounced the laundering of tourism: “Once again, we hear triumphant speeches, loaded with terms that do not mean when they are accompanied by the word green bleaching and tourism: sustainable, responsible, empathic, etc. Discourses that deny, minimize or actively reject the denunciation of the social, environmental and climatic impacts of tourism activity. This year, moreover, the UN Tourism has had the courage to choose the theme of Tourism and Peace by 27 September. The fact that the International Tourism Day coincides with the general strike called in solidarity with Palestine and against the genocide of the State of Israel does nothing but demonstrate this obscene contradiction. But, one more year, we denounce all these impacts on the part of different territories in the South of Europe and, through demonstrations or symbolic actions, we make proposals for changing the economic model, controlling the sector, tourist growth, economic diversification, etc.”

They also stressed that “the territories that are mobilizing against tourist processes are becoming stronger and stronger”: “This year, the creation of the Cities and Peoples for Life group (SET), the alliance of many territories that have carried out massive mobilizations against the tourist industry, must be added to the European Network against Tourism (SET). In addition to joint actions, we work in a coordinated way to carry out great mobilisations, meetings of our organisations, shared strategies, etc. As stated in the above-mentioned mobilizations, our territories have borders and the planets as well; it is overcoming the touristic exploitation, and the territories we organize to stop and turn them.”

Steady upward trend

The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián has recently adopted a series of measures affecting the tourism sector, but Bizilagun denounces that tourism continues to grow in the city: “In Donostia-San Sebastian, according to data published by Eustat, visitor inflows, overnight stays and average daily prices have increased during the months of July and August 2024. Another summer breaks record in the continued growth of the tourism industry. However, we Donostiarras have little to celebrate. In fact, for a few, this industry is a golden egg hen, but for most it's just an economic model that drowns us. Beyond the massification of the streets of the most touristic neighborhoods, the increase of life, the expulsion of the neighbors, the elitization of leisure, the violation of the right to housing, etc., are structural problems invisible at first sight and are present in all neighborhoods. The whole city is in transit and are associated problems.”

In addition, they added that San Sebastian is suffering “especially the influence of luxury tourism”: “An increasingly exclusive and expensive tourist offer is encouraged to attract the richest pockets. They will tell us that it is ‘quality tourism’, a formula to avoid overcrowding; but we demand quality lives: right to housing, decent jobs, living neighborhoods and cultural and leisure offer for all. We want to live in an economically and socially just city.”

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