The decision has been communicated to the local press, which has answered your questions. Last Friday, the membership of the trade unions with representation in Tubacex took care to approve the proposal. ELA and CC.OO. voted in favour of the agreement, the Independents demanded a general vote and the unions LAB and STAT opposed it.
The vote was very tight: seven representatives of the works council left and six voted against. The CCOO trade union then stated that that small part had raised doubts and showed its readiness to the general vote.
Finally, on 4 October, the general vote was rejected and the Basque Government’s proposal was approved. has indicated that workers' representatives have informed the Department of Employment of the Basque Government and have been waiting for the meeting to sign the agreement.
Jakina da lan ikuskariak falta ditugula geurean. Hala ere, azken egunotan datu argigarriak ematea lortu dute: lan ikuskaritzaren arabera, EAEko enpresen %64ak ez du ordutegien kontrolean legedia betetzen. Era berean, lehendakariordeak gaitzetsi du, absentismoaren eta oinarrizko... [+]
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